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35PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 16 July 2019
Junior Member
1 year1 yearSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Zero Lot Issue & Need Idea

Thank you for the information.
If I let them extend their concrete foot path on my land, is it okay as long as their concrete don't go higher than weep holes…

1 year1 yearSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Zero Lot Issue & Need Idea

Yes I do! I hate insects or spiders web inside weeps holes but it is not the point.
I simply want to hear the opinions of people who have more…

1 year1 yearSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Zero Lot Issue & Need Idea

We have zero lot & neighbour would like to have the concrete foot path instead of exiting pebbles foot path as in the photo & they would like to move…

Zero Lot Issue & Need Idea
2 years2 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Can this issue be reported to fair trading?

No error in measurement! He just wanted to charged extra at the end of finishing work without informing us ahead. He hasn’t mentioned anything since the beginning or while building…

2 years2 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Can we ask a copy of tax invoice in this case?

I am a new house owner & my electrician damaged the gutter by accident while climbing onto roof.
The boss of electrician’s company (Let’s say Mr.H) has been refusing all…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Getting charged for the material that was cut off. Does it m

Yeh, I have been telling him that it is only 30 sqm we have to build & don't write it 35sqm. He keeps saying he will change in final invoice.…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Composite decking choices

Agree! Can I take him to fair trading if the disputes getting worse?
I don't know if we can complain to fair trading for this.

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Getting charged for the material that was cut off. Does it m

Thank you for replying everyone. I do really appreciated as I am not from this field and know nothing about all of these before.
Long story short, the real issue…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Getting charged for the material that was cut off. Does it m

First of all, I am not happy with the quality. He has done the bad job and so much issue with deck. The deck has very little air gap than…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Composite decking choices

This questionis not related to the topic but about the price you getcharged. Since you install composite deck, I would like to seek your advice.
If the deck you…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
landscaping help

I will build deck & small artificial lawn if I were you. Green will add the area look great.

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Getting charged for the material that was cut off. Does it m

My landscaper over charged me for all the material he cut off and threw away. is it normal????
He over charged every matetial; turf , deck, pavers etc.…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Can this issue be reported to fair trading?

$1900 which is a lot.
If he overcharged us under $500, we are willing to let go but it is $1900.
Turf he placed is 20sqm but hecharged us for…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Can this issue be reported to fair trading?

The email he sent the updated invoice has date which is two weeks ago though.
If there is disputes, none of his other invoice he sent before 2 weeks ago has…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Can this issue be reported to fair trading?

He gave me the quote 2 weeks ago but he added that quote under the first quote which has given to us for decking 2 months ago.
So the date…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Can this issue be reported to fair trading?

i have an issue with my landscaper
(1) He changed the quote after accepting the estimated quote two weeks later.
From my understanding, the quote valids for 30 days and…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Need Advice Urgently Please!

I have an issues with landscaper.
(1) He increases the rate in the invoice after accepting the quote he has given me. Can you Do that?
For example, he gave…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Landscaper advice

This is my first time doing landscaping & zero experience about dealing with these.
I would like to know how do you know if the landscaper is reliable &…

3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Drainage for artificial lawn this small?

This is the bird eye view of the area next to my driveway & I was thinking of making artificial grass on the green area.
However, my drainage holes is…

Drainage for artificial lawn this small?
3 years3 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Need Advice!

This is the bird eye view of the area next to my driveway & I was thinking of making artificial grass on the green area.
However, my drainage holes is…

Need Advice!
4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Need help with estimated cost

May I know what did you put under crushed stones? Geo fabric or plastic weed mat? I have no drain under the deck but have 2 drainage holes in the…

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Need help with estimated cost

I receive quote about $860 for crush stones + geo fabric for 28 meter square deck.
Eco deck is already cost me nearly $9,000. Not many landscaper with good review…

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Cheaper option to choose than pavers?

Thank you so much for your reply.
Would u mind to advise me if I should use geo fabric or plastic weed mat under decking?
I think those two function…

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Need help with estimated cost

Can u help me with estimated cost if I wanna put crushed stone and geo fabric under the deck which is 28 meter square?
I am wondering the quote I…

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Do you place geo fabric and plastic weed mat under the deck?

I am having eko decking (close to the ground) which is extending from my afresco and do I need geo fabric or weed mat under the deck and crushed stones?…

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Cheaper option to choose than pavers?

Can anyone recommend what else can I choose than concrete paving? I want smooth surface less maintanence bbq space but plan to have spa & do concrete slab after saving…

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Geo fabric or plastic weed mat under deck?

Hi there,
I am making floating eko decking (close to the ground) which is extending from my afresco and do I need geo fabric & crushed stone under the deck?

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Drain under deck?

Here are photos

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:
Drain under deck?

Hi there,
I am making eko decking which extend from my afresco. According to my landscaper, we don't need drain under the deck since I have drains on artificial lawn next…

4 years4 yearsSandyKSSandyKS posted:

Thank you for the reply both of you.
Our fence is newly built just a week ago and I took the photos.

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