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Joined 26 August 2008
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16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Kitchen Layout - Suggestions?

My kitchen is literally driving me batty.
I now have the funds to do a complete renovation yet no matter how I draw it up I don't seem to be happy…

Kitchen Layout - Suggestions?
16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Order of removing existing flooring, fixtures etc?

I am trying to convince my mother that she does not need to build an ensuite in our new house immediately when the bathroom is just outside the door -…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Ex-Brankrupt Loan??

Hey there,
I'm not in finance myself but when I had to get MI earlier this year for ANZ as well it was a bugger and a half. ANZ approved the…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Renovations are on hold because...

Good question Michelle! I'm sharing with Mum so she's going to have the downstairs and I'll have the upstairs which is 2 bedrooms, living, balcony & bathroom but just that…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Renovations are on hold because...

7 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Has 3 indoor living areas

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Ideas for spare room

I think you may be right Helyn.
I already have a fooseball table going in the main living room as it is really long. As I am the sole user…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Renovations are on hold because...

Well I am actually having my full size fridge upstairs already along with a dining suite as it is - funny thing it that currently all fits sooo easily cause…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Ideas for spare room

Now that my plans have changed I am going to have a MASSIVE spare room and nothing to go in it - my spare room is currently home to boxes…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Renovations are on hold because...

Definately a good investment as there isn't alot of 7x2 house around and thats what every valuer has said. So far valuations have come in at between $30k and $60k…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Renovations are on hold because...

I am moving in approx 2 months time!
Cause I uhhh brought another house... kinda...
I have brought a 45% share in my parents place on the beach (7x2 two-storey on a…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Island Benches - sink or not to sink?

I had an island with a sink in it when I built last and I actually didn't mind it as it was off centre for more room to prepare food.…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Calling anyone involved in mortgages!

I don't know if he is licensed in WA but they were registered in NSW
Anyway it doesn't matter as my relationship manager at the ANZ got it all sorted, O&A…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
I want to buy a house, how easy was that!

Oh wow Michelle just saw this as I haven't been on in a while and it looks great!
Bet you can't wait to get into it

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Calling anyone involved in mortgages!

Funny you should say that Thlo as my mortgage advisor for my first property in WA is actually NSW based!

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Calling anyone involved in mortgages!

Mum & Dad are going through a divorce settlement and so fair its been over 18 months. Well Mum had a great idea last night and I think it has…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
sU rEAllY lOVES bEige and bROwn...

I'm a brown lover as well - just see my laundry for starters!

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Pictures of my laundry renovation - finally!

I dunno about that one Wingies.
Apparently he is married as my neighbour noticed his wedding band on a necklace when she was talking to him about getting her lounge room…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Pictures of my laundry renovation - finally!

Nope definately didn't do it myself and after seeing all the trouble the tiler went through to get the tiles off I am glad I didn't!
I got given some free…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Pictures of my laundry renovation - finally!

Here's some pictures of my laundry and toilet renovation now that I have finally got my laptop at home working properly again. I'm very happy with it and can't wait…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Rug colour advice

Thanks everyone.
Think I might go have a looksie over the weekend. Thinking I'll go black or a combination of black, white & grey

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Rug colour advice

Thats really interesting Michelle
I do like shag pile ones but I keep wondering if they are becoming a bit naff?

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Rug colour advice

I was thinking against the red as I think the red on the wall will be too dominant as too but was thinking the black may be a bit strange…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Rug colour advice

So I need to start thinking about my lounge room.
The plan is to have beech coloured flooring (floorboards), a feature wall in red, the couch is white leather, TV cabinet…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Handyman put holes in shower tiles...in wrong place

Thats appalling!
I agree, get all quotes in writing first. I've had a plumber & a tiler in - plumber's invoice was actually $125 less than originally quoted (I think he…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Do you notice defects in homes?

Its funny how you said people don't notice things Michelle.
When I went hunting I took 3 people with me - one to inspect cracks in tiles and leaks, one to…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Free standing oven 90cm

If you find one Ange I'd be interested in knowing.
I need to get a new one as well

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Second guessing my colour choices...

I think it must be popular as it's been around for over 2 years from when I did pre-start last time (I *)
Just got the samples for my border tiles…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Second guessing my colour choices...

Eternity Baci is a dark brown, a bit like Laminex Espresso but has a very faint lighter brown running through it to make it motley but its hard to see…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Second guessing my colour choices...

This isn't even a big decision but I have already gone uh maybe it's outdated now...
I picked the floor and wall tiles for my laundry/toilet and they are due to…

16 years16 yearsSassy_BudSassy_Bud posted:
Utility cupboard & kickboard

I was looking at purchasing a DIY utility cupboard and was wondering if these are supposed to have a kickboard as the supplier says it isn't included and it's not…

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