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Joined 13 January 2011
Gold Member
10 years10 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Hydronic Heating - Which Brand to Choose?

Probably a bit late with this reply. You definitely don't need two boilers, I hope that was cleared up before you went further. A partition device is used to split…

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Demolishing house and salvaging stuff to sell

have a look at the start of my thread... yeah i had good intentions and made a few bucks, but it was a major hastle.

  ⋅  1
11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Timber protection Painters Please?

I have a large timber Bi Fold and a timber stained sliding door that are now about three years old. I sealed them with Intergrain ultra clear when they were…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Type of Heating

I haven't had any experience with electric underfloor heating but if it cost that much to install you might as well go hydronic. Our whole system cost close to 14k…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Shower Base, whos responsible

Houston we may have a problem! Our extension is a little over 3 years old, still well inside waranty periods. Last night i noticed movement in one corner of the…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
polished concrete yes or no?!

have a look through my build thread ajs

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
recessed niche shelf in shower - does it work?

It really bugs me when i hear builders gouging over the simplest of things. Ours refused to do them plain and simple. As I was using a separate chippie to…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Gas Hot water system

We have had a Rinnai enviro 26 for over 2 years now and love it. We have controllers in the bathrooms set between 28 and 43 summer winter. We have…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Under Floor heating Costs and Options

Hmmmm ok our boiler runs for about four hours a day give or take. Its controlled by a thermostat timer, coming on at about 6am till 830am and again at…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Hydronic Heating - Which Brand to Choose?

Can I ask how much the boiler is????

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Hydronic Heating - Which Brand to Choose?

Hope I'm not too late joining in. I haven't really got a brand preference but would stick with the specialty European brands ... we have a Baxie Luna. What i…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Under Floor heating Costs and Options

A couple of questions first Gipps. Where are you building and what type of house are you going for? Is it two story and what floor coverings will you have?

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Simonds Sierra - We have the keys

just wondering how you went with Blinds online. I'm about to buy one for my daughters room, blockout as she is pre teen and getting cranky about the dawn waking…

11 years11 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Newport VIC options, and also a bus stop.

it does depend on where in Newport you are. Bay side of Williamstown road will always do better, but of course is more expensive. We started our house hunt in…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
painting plasterboard ceilings - advice needed

can you post a picture?

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
New neighbours and the eyesore...

::hyst:: Where do you live? Russia?
My company car used to have signage, if council had an issue with it I'd involve my state member. As…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Custom Builder Recommendations - MELBOURNE

Make sure you drill down into any companies past by speaking to several of their past customers/projects. There are many of the volume builders that behave very badly online, fake…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Hamptons double-storey Melb - back landscaping stage 2

we built the year the drought broke.... some of the apprentices had never worked in the rain before lol.

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Looking for a builder in an established inner west (Melb)

Hi newstart2day
I Cant recommend our builder even though we are happy with the end result...mostly...it was a struggle. My advice is to steer clear of a volume builder, anyone with…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
When to cut down trees?

We removed a fairly small tree (3m bottlebrush) while doing the site cut for our extension. Even though much of the root system was pulled out engineers still insisted on…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
The 60 thousand dollar step

I would if there was any money in it.... might then have half a chance at finishing the place. We still have a back yard to do and finish the…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
The 60 thousand dollar step

Might be the case if your slab is a ski jump :lol:
Our overlay was poured 3 months after the slab, after lockup (to…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Anyone used a window for a splashback and any regrets?

Ours has a view of a public lane way ::surprise:: so was always gonna be opaque. It might cost a bit more…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
LED Downlights and normal lights

It is a shame there has to be any trade off, it gets me cross when I see the sheer joke that is the star rating system. I'll bet there…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
LED Downlights and normal lights

yes I agree Dave, Australian standards are very poor when it comes to 'leaky' building practices, especially in the colder states. All of the wall cavities and ceiling roof spaces…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
LED Downlights and normal lights

No I'm not concerned with the insulation gaps, but the gaps in the light fittings. Heat is leaking into the ceiling cavity. In my en suite this is dramatically demonstrated…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
LED Downlights and normal lights

I thought I would revive this thread as all things led have moved on a bit. As the cold bites I am looking at the thermal efficiency of our house.…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:

I may incur the wrath of site moderators but I feel the need to start a thread/discussion on some of the hidden nasties out there in the building renovation game.…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
optical cable question

Does anyone know if it is possible to re terminate (replace the end) of an optical cable? I have run one from my pc to amp through the at frame…

12 years12 yearssceen7sceen7 posted:
Considering OB'ing our small extension

Ahhh yes my bad, what I meant is that a full service builder didn't ,for us, make the process easier. However OBing makes it a whole lot cheaper. sorry

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13 January 2011

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