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Joined 24 January 2008
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11 years11 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Condensation help please

The house is on stumps
It has gas ducted heating, but the condensation was an issue before the heating went in.

11 years11 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Waterlogged house stumps New Home


11 years11 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Condensation help please

Around the windows mainly.. In the main bedroom it's on the wall behind my dresser..
The base of the bottom drawer in the kids room and some shoes in the…

11 years11 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Condensation help please

I built my house 4 years ago now, it's a brick home with a yellow tongue floor. The rear of the home is 500mm off the ground the front would…

11 years11 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
DIY retaining wall advice

Wondering how your retaining wall is looking now?

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Planting behind retaining walls

hey snhouse where did you get the sleepers???

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Show me your retaining walls!

I havent started yet, but the block next door sold... better be pulling my finger out :)

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:

Hey Lex, thanks for the info. I found that the mould was here even in the summer so you might be onto something with the land level.
Ok, so next step...…

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:

Ok, so I have lived in my brand new house for 12 months, I open my windows and have my heater on when it is cold, and LOOK...

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
advise please...

it wasnt/isnt retaining... it is just the back wall of the garage?

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
advise please...

will it cave in?? that is my fear!

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
advise please...

on the otherside of that brick wall is the inside of the garage...

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
advise please...

So I have a hollow section behind my garage.
I would like to know if I can put some waterproofing on the bricks then maybe some black plastic then fill with…

14 years14 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
can my builder....

hello, could you please advise if my builder should have had this section of wall cut and retained before the occupancy certificate was issued at handover??
Please note the cut was…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
does anyone have...

ok, so here is the pic...
I am either going to pave the area outside the sliding door, or I will deck it.
Either way I think this…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
does anyone have...

i think the best way to explaine is a photo... will upload one tomorrow...
thanks guys!!!

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
does anyone have...

soil against a brick wall??
I need to back fill a section against the back wall of my garage in oder to make the soil level. Someone has mentioned to parge…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Pantry organisation - unleashing my inner domestic goddess

So based on what has been said on this thread...
I've come up with this... without buying ANYTHING!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my before and after...
Thank you!

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Raised garden beds

Hey Artstitches,
Loving looking at your progress on your blog, however would you be able to tell me where you ordered our pergola from?? cheers

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
DIY retaining wall advice

DD, you said there are neater than TS
can you tell me what company you used, i was thinking of using TS for my wall...
Did you use plain concrete and paint…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
diamond gloss!!!???

Hello, I have diamond gloss starlight. It is aweful to clean and always shows any marks. It has chips all along the edge, and the joins are very visable. I…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Show me your retaining walls!

Hey Kek, do you have idea's for the front??

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Show me your retaining walls!

Im thinking im going to have to step them like yours. Outback sleepers seem to a little out of budget for me right now, so im thinking pine is gonna…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
dirt against brick wall...

I have a wall that i think might need retaining, but then someone has said i can paint TAR onto the brickwall and fill in the gap with dirt, without…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Show me your retaining walls!

Hey bobbin... how will you step the sides?? Here we can only have a meter before you have to get engineers reports and all sorts of garbage...

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
what sort of lights do you have in your bedroom?

I cant see any of the photo's cause your accounts have been inactive :0(

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Show me your retaining walls!

I dont have any easements... im thinking ill cut mine right back too and layer it... The sides are a little concerning though as the walls cant be over a…

15 years15 yearsscrappinfreakscrappinfreak posted:
Show me your kitchen STOOLS!

hey lynnebin1968, where did you get thes?? they are just what i have been looking for??

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