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Joined 15 February 2016
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8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hey dojrude we are in the same boat as you almost a year in and still resolving issues!
Send me a pm if…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

We changed to boutique sliding doors from dining/rumpus to alfresco and love it!
Use the smaller doors more than the big stacker if just going in and out of the…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

Flooring wasn't laid level and had high spots, walls have bulges in them and some were meant to be done prior to handover and weren't. Patching hasn't worked, so now…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

Haha no worries at all, I was the same struggling to find a real life version of the facade.
Inside is a work in progress and we haven't done anything…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

Thanks we think so, well we will when we are finally free of porter Davis and all the fix ups required! Been in since June and still haven't had everything…

We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS
8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
We are building VANCOUVER 33 with PORTER DAVIS

Haha that's my house I forget it before it was landscaped!

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Generally you need to get a couple of quotes and give them to all the neighbours concerned then they all have to pay deposits to chosen company before work begins.…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hahaha yeah the brickies aren't exactly quick to come back for small jobs!
Ring the SS and ask him when it's being done cause it really needs to be done before…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yeah cause the base render needs good time to dry before the top coat so that's done early. Colour coat is the last thing in case the trades damage during…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

People that had paint issues i.e. Not being able to wash the walls, yellowing skirts/doors etc, did you get any rectification?
Just had our inspection and said that I want the…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Our base render was completed not long after brickwork and top colour coat was applied week of pci so there was no damage done.
Chase up on it for sure

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yeah I know right! It's crazy not having it, I would have got it if I had known for sure.
Just means we have to be vigilant checking our roofs…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

We have no sarking at all on ours. They told us it's an extra add on but didn't know anything about it till other houses were built with it.

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

It's going to look really nice! And if not paint it
Yeah I think I like the off white mortar too. Hopefully at some point we will render the rest…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

They look awesome!
Our render was done pretty much straight away but the final colour coat was week before we got keys so it's not damaged

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yep we had major problems with a&l. Same thing with a stacker door and we also had the wrong Windows manufactured twice and the third ones one was ready before…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Hey woodies I tried to pm you but it wouldn't work. I can't find this company on fb, can you pm me the link by chance?

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Forgot to reply.
How did you get on with the paintwork? Did they roller?
I have the same as you, wipe with just water as I was told and still have…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

We got copies of the "reports" afterwards. They are just a piece of paper saying it passed. They said to me that they don't get a defect list or anything…

8 years8 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yes ours squeak and groan, are no where near what they should be.
That's terrible that they won't fix for 18mths!!!!
Did you have your inspection bang on 3 mths…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Yeah their staff are very lovely I'll give them that but couldn't justify the price difference just because they were nice haha.
We used superb window furnishings. He is the loveliest…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

I can't help with the wardrobe quotes as didn't even get one from wos.
But in terms of window furnishings wos is expensive!
We sourced ours elsewhere and got proper…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Ours is one wall that sounds like it's swaying in the wind and creaking. Def being it up at your 3 month.
Hey what's the quality of your paint? We…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Under Front door sill Gap? What to put there

Go back to the builder, they shouldn't have done handover with it like that

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

How could they not hear it? That's crazy!
You have front door gaps like we do! Although porter Davis didn't put on our weather shields! Still waiting.
Is your front…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Detection of defective insulation in a new home

How can I get in contact for you to do a post handover inspection?

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Another sleepless night in our new Porter Davis home. Attached is a video showing the wind noise in the master bedroom that comes through our supposedly sealed double glazed windows…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Ours is like this too, they said they fixed by its not.
They tried to fix with more nails into skirting and plaster compound to even it out.
Needs to be…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

Thanks yes that's Joanne.
I got a phone call answered yesterday finally and the mortar people turned up today! One less thing to worry about.
Wondered why our overheard cupboards weren't…

9 years9 yearsshanis33shanis33 posted:
Porter Davis homes

We don't have the double glazing or screens in the replacement windows still!
And have gaps in mortar around Windows and you can see building paper. They've said that they…

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