11 months11 monthssohcan22 posted:
Question regarding PCI and H&C Insurance
Question regarding PCI and H&C Insurance
We are approaching the final part of our build (first time builder)
Our builder has booked us in for a final walkthrough on 18/11 and to also sign some forms and…
12 months12 monthssohcan22 posted:
Requesting Controlled Fill Certificate from Developer
Requesting Controlled Fill Certificate from Developer
Hi, thanks our handover is in 2-3 weeks and its been mostly smooth and uneventful aside from this issue.
The developer completely ignored all of my attempts to contact them…
2 years2 yearssohcan22 posted:
Requesting Controlled Fill Certificate from Developer
Requesting Controlled Fill Certificate from Developer
Thanks for your reply, much appreciated
2 years2 yearssohcan22 posted:
Requesting Controlled Fill Certificate from Developer
Requesting Controlled Fill Certificate from Developer
First time builder here in SA.
Our Builder has requested a Controlled Fill Certificate from the Developer regarding our build. It is a new recently developed area - an old building…
Joined homeone
17 October 2022