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Joined 27 March 2012
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12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

As you can see your block is bit in slope from front to back, TOK means Top of Kerb. Your FFL level is 20.135 while the highest point of your…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

It is very easy to tell if you post the first page of your plans where normally they mention the kerb level and FFL (Finish floor level) levels and you…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Our block is not big, it is 450 sqm and we got around 6 meter in the back but slopy back from front to back. They got 3 trucks full…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Yes Outback did my landscaping and I am happy with the end result. Outback quoted high $$$ for few but somehow they came out reasonable in my case when I…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Bank gives loan on your building contract, for the variations you raised during your colour appointments doesn't cover in the contract. Once you finalise your paper work you send…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Yes it is possible, you need to present the landscaping contract/quote then Bank can top up your loan but it depends how much Bank allow you to borrow.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

We had our 13 week inspection today , I was surprised when EBH contacted us right after 13 weeks because I was expecting delay as few other people had issues.…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Yes, we had lot of chips but nawkaw ppl did fantastic job they fixed all the chips even minor ones. Even if I close to my bricks I can't find…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

I received call from EBH about the 13 week inspection, Jason is coming next Wednesday to do the inspection. There are many small issues bit nervous would they agree to…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Not sure but at my place I have seen Apollokitchens van. But definitely any of them will have way to fix this.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Do you know KC uses Apollokitchens for the kitchen fittings cupboards etc? I would advise contact them after handover.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

I hope you would be able to replace but you got square ones and can hide the drill holes under the long ones.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

My 13 week inspection was due on 13th of July and no one contacted me yet so I sent email to my CSO Sara this morning and got reply she…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Hi muzzy,
we got extra noggins plus the fan+light connection in the centre of every room. They didn't charge anything to us as we spent around 11k. Our sparky assembled the…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Congratulations Sheffield25

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

yes it was super quick even my SS was astonished he thinks they worked 24x7, they were only 3.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

My house is 42 square double story, you wouldn't believe brickies took 3 days for the ground floor and 2 days for the upper story all together only 5 days…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

When I had appointment back in May 2012 price was $180 per wall.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

I find them very good, I am so happy. You can get them to give you the quote and compare with the others. In my case they came the cheapest…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

No, it is outside EBH contract. Outback is doing landscaping for me I signed separate agreement with them. Interestingly EBH didn't allow them to start the landscaping until handover but…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

yes, true if you make any changes with outback variation will come through via your CSO.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Sorry to be bit rude :) I might be wrong but in my opinion you wouldn't get any benefit by having insulation between internal walls

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Your friend must be having acoustic insulation (noise) insulation internally , I can't see any benefit of having the thermal insulation internal walls.

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Recently I used electrician which is very good and pretty cheap top bloke. Ray 0420649824
His prices were
1) $10 for down light if point is already there
2) $20 for new…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Congexcavations Sheffield25 finally wait is over

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Landscaping takes ages, landscapers were on my site 30th of April and still 2 weeks away almost 3 months and even this is without any council's involvement. It might take…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Thanks BH for asking , yes neighbours slab was poured last week and we put the fence straight next day. Outback is back this week to do lot of small…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Dark Bricks with a Light Coloured Roof

I recently built with light colour and looks great, you wouldn't believe it how much light colour effects esp colorbond. Dark color absorbs the light while the light color reflects…

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Steel-line is the provider, I paid around $1800 Western Red Cedar garage door below is the link
http://www.steel-line.com.au/residentia ... rage-doors

12 years12 yearssohnaeosohnaeo posted:
Who else is building with Eden Brae?

Yes zRoYz that what EBH should have done. But EB provides baton fittings for the future downlight points. Most of my downlights are GU10 240v but few I used 13W…

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27 March 2012

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