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Joined 19 February 2007
Senior Member
9 years9 yearsSpotSpot posted:
cupboard handles / drawer pulls

No sorry - no luck as yet - kitchen isn't 100% finished yet so I'm still hunting. This is the closest I've found in oz apart from the one in…

9 years9 yearsSpotSpot posted:
cupboard handles / drawer pulls

Yeah I have, I'm just being fussy, hubs calls it difficult, same thing I guess.
I did find these, but at $26 each and not sure of lengths, might be better…

9 years9 yearsSpotSpot posted:
cupboard handles / drawer pulls

That first link looks pretty much the same as the ones we have now - hubs would be quite happy to just use them again lol

9 years9 yearsSpotSpot posted:
cupboard handles / drawer pulls

Thanks for your replies and opinions :)
Luckily as I said in the original post, my husband is actually a cabinet maker (only…

cupboard handles / drawer pulls
9 years9 yearsSpotSpot posted:
cupboard handles / drawer pulls

Re troubles in the future, are you meaning if the screws pulls through etc?
Hubs hasn't mentioned anything about that, but then he is at the point that his eyes…

9 years9 yearsSpotSpot posted:
cupboard handles / drawer pulls

Before I order from the US via a mail forwarding service, and risk my husband divorcing me.... wanted to check if anyone had come across handles like this in Oz.…

10 years10 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Sink Selection - should I consider ease of replacement

Hi again everyone.
Dropped in to masters today to check out the sinks. Spoke to one of the guys in their kitchen department who told me he is a cabinet…

10 years10 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Sink Selection - should I consider ease of replacement

Thanks everyone for your replies.
Feel a bit more confident now. I can't imagine we will redo the kitchen again, probably ever :) so hopefully the…

10 years10 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Sink Selection - should I consider ease of replacement

Hi all,
Have managed to convince my cabinet maker husband to upgrade our kitchen and are doing stone bench tops.
I'm trying to choose a sink, want undermount, single bowl,…

12 years12 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Prunus Blireana Spacing

Hi all.
We have ripped out more or less everything in our backyard with the intention of simplifying it - which really means I got sick of wedding the blooming thing.

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Light above mirror?

We are just looking at this stuff now, has anyone seen these vanity lights anywhere, love them!

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Help find this garden light/ornament

I would definitely try to make it. You can buy rust paint for inside walls (not sure if there is an alternative for outside, but sure there would be. Get…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Plugging lawn

Just wanted to update on this incase anyone was interested as I know I couldn't find much info on this when I first started looking into it, so this might…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Plugging lawn

:D Nah, know your not a woman - but my mum is a garden guru and she says that sort of thing to me…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Plugging lawn

Ha ha Fu Manchu - you sound like my mum - spend more on the soil than you do on the plant.
Have already ordered the Sir Walter - not sure…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Plugging lawn

We are about to start our backyard and are looking at about a 230 odd sqm lawn. We were going to go with lawn seed, because paying 2.5k for roll…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
This for a pergola?

Hmmm, think I am starting to wonder if colorbond might be a better way to go.

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
This for a pergola?

Good to know! Have been trying to find a site with samples of canvas colours but no luck so far and neigbour is away so can't go over there to…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
This for a pergola?

Thanks SuH.
That's exactly why I want dark canvas, it will still be grubby - I just won't notice it! :) am hoping once…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
This for a pergola?

Thanks Yak Chat. Hubby is trying to tell me that colorbond would be a better way to go but I'm not keen on it, but your right about canvas fading.…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
This for a pergola?

Hi all
Just wanted to get all your expert opinions on this pergola.
We have plenty of room in our backyard and don't want a pergola attached to the house,…

This for a pergola?
16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
This for a pergola?

probably should have put this in outdoor living - so will post it there - mods, feel free to delete!

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
This for a pergola?

Hi all
Just wanted to get all your expert opinions on this pergola.
We have plenty of room in our backyard and don't want a pergola attached to the house, after something…

This for a pergola?
16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Dyson Vaccum Cleaners

Get the one with the motorised head, definitley worth it, the most awsome vacuum I have ever ever ever had. Parents have one too, they are incredible. Ours was 7…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Help: A variation fee if it's not in the contract?

No bricks, no way. What a joke. Don't pay for anything in advance, if the builder goes under, you are screwed, will never ever ever get your money back. Sounds…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Does anyone know what this is??

Don't plant bamboo! You'll regret it! Well in my experience anyway, sooooo hard to get rid of later on.

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
Grass in the backyard

Thanks! :) That's the one we were looking at, good to have some confirmation from the pros!

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
How big is your backyard?

:lol: :lol: YEP!!! My parents got hubby and I a puppy about 4 years ago when hubby's mum passed away -…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
How big is your backyard?

I know what you mean. Mum and dad are on a farm, and growing up we had mesh type fencing, but they are also on a big farm with no-one…

16 years16 yearsSpotSpot posted:
How big is your backyard?

Did think of that - but need colorbond to keep the dog in!

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