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68 Posts
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Joined 19 January 2014
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4 years4 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Never bought or built before, need advice.

Hi there,
We are almost finished building our first home, so I can only give advice based on this. To answer your questions -
1. It may be more affordable but not…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Coral Homes general build thread

Hi Katie_11,
We have chosen cladding to the front of the house, not all the way round, and the cost is $2000. Hope that helps a little :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Improve my kerbside appeal for old housing commission

I would do a nice cool grey render :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Stamp Duty Question

So as it turns out, we are still exempt from stamp duty - woohoo!!

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5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Project builder Vs Independent builder

Thanks for your input guys :)
We've actually decided to go with a project home builder, purely for a cheaper build, and have upgraded things like the…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Installing Ducted Air

We've decided to go with a decent sized reverse cycle air con instead :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Am I crazy? OB near Port Macquarie

Looking good! I love the floor choice too :)
Glad to hear you've got a fire plan... I didn't have one until Friday last week when…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Am I crazy? OB near Port Macquarie

I think your colour choices are great, neutral is best!
I can totally understand wanting a solid structure to live in after all that time in your camper. I hope…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Should we include everything in build cost, or do afterwards

Yes, I agree with the broker about including it all in your loan. I would still source turf, landscaping and fencing on your own, not through the builder, and submit…

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5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Hamptons inspired architect design with attached granny flat

What a beautiful asset the breezeway is!

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5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Am I crazy? OB near Port Macquarie

Oh your poor wrist! But it sounds like you're not helping it heal by trying to work haha! The nurse in me cringed at reading that you were still working…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Hamptons inspired architect design with attached granny flat

OMG! Your build is absolutely stunning! I'm really looking forward to following the rest, good luck :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Clarendon Boston 36 Central Coast

Absolutely beautiful home! I LOVE your facade too :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Building new home

I recommend you talk to more than one builder, go look at their display homes, get quotes and make an informed decision.

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:

Stunning home!

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Stamp Duty Question

That is what i'm holding out hope for haha! Thanks for your reply, I will update this post when I find out the answer :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Stamp Duty Question

Our conveyancer has sent the application off to revenue so we will wait to hear back from them. Just thought I would see if anyone had been in a similar…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Stamp Duty Question

Thanks for that, the forms were blurry so I googled them myself.
From what I understand, we may still be eligible as the land may not have been residential (over…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Our McDonald Jones Bronte Build

Hi Stephen and Jo,
You have a beautiful block, I would love to one day build a beautiful big home on a block like that :) For…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Stamp Duty Question

Hi everyone,
I have a question regarding stamp duty and first home builders/buyers.
We are building our first home in NSW over the next six months. Previously my hubby purchased a…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Brick discolouration

Oh no, what an awful thing to have happen. So glad to hear the brick company are taking responsibility!
I wonder how they will accommodate you while the brick work is…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Coral Homes / Milan 24 / South Brisbane - First build

We're not from Brisbane, we're in Port Macquarie so its just a local builder here. But you will find independent builders up there will be the same :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Coral Homes / Milan 24 / South Brisbane - First build

Thanks for sharing your build :)
We're currently deciding whether or not we build with coral or an independent builder... I'm leaning more towards the independent as…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Modern look for my bedroom

My suggestions are white and/or light grey paint and order white plantation shutters for windows :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Installing Ducted Air

Hi everyone,
We are about to start building our first home and trying to decide if we put the ducted in during the build or do it after to save money...…

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Which floor plan would you choose to build ?

I prefer the Domaine floor plan... its more open and flows nicer.
You could also make the MPR a study :)

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Clarendon Fairmont 35, hamptons facade

What a stunning build! Beautiful choices :)

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5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Coral Homes - ducted air

I asked coral about external contractors coming in during the build and apparently they don't allow it... In saying that, I would ask your site supervisor.

5 years5 yearsST-HardyST-Hardy posted:
Project builder Vs Independent builder

We're building our first home, have secured our block of land and now trying to decide which builder to go with.
We'd love to hear the pros and cons of project…

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