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Joined 25 November 2009
Senior Member
5 years5 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Low deck over slab (limited height & termite questions)

Hi MClark, thanks for the reply - much appreciated. Any specific thoughts on leaving the 40mm gap for termites, and whether about 5mm would be enough gap to leave under…

5 years5 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Low deck over slab (limited height & termite questions)

Hi, I know there a lot of deck threads but I have some specific questions I couldn't find answers to. Apologies if they have been addressed already and I missed…

Low deck over slab (limited height & termite questions)
5 years5 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Please help identify this vine?

Thanks for the reply. No, it gets little yellow flowers actually. I don't have a photo of those though unfortunately. It does look very similar otherwise.

5 years5 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Please help identify this vine?

Hi, can anybody please help with identifying this vine? It's taking over in the bushland near our place and has killed a number of trees already. We've contacted council about…

5 years5 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
LED floodlight - which would be better quality?

Just updating this for the benefit of anybody researching in the future. We ended up getting two 30W Verbatim floodlights and they have been perfect. They light up the yard…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
LED floodlight - which would be better quality?

Thanks for your reply. That's certainly pretty cool! I don't think it's quite right for our needs though - we have a couple par38 fittings there already but that's actually…

6 years6 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Stinging nettle in buffalo lawn - advice?

Hi all, we have clumps of what I believe is Urtica Urens ("dwarf nettle") coming up throughout our lawn of Saffire buffalo. It really stings when you touch it. We've…

6 years6 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
LED floodlight - which would be better quality?

Hi all,
We need a couple of LED floodlights that will be attached to a sensor to light up our backyard for a combination of security and task lighting. We've narrowed…

6 years6 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Orange tree dying or sick?

Hi all,
A big branch of our orange tree has suddenly started losing all its leaves. The rest of the tree looks healthy to me, and I'm wondering if we need…

7 years7 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Severed tree roots - how to save tree?

Hi all,
Our neighbour has been building and the tradies have dug a large services ditch along our nature strip which has come very close to a tree, severing through a…

8 years8 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Questions re getting rid of fishbone fern

I hope it's ok for me to bump this - surely somebody has dealt with these ferns before?

8 years8 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Questions re getting rid of fishbone fern

Hi all,
We had an infestation of fishbone fern down one side of our house, including growing in a big boulder retaining wall. I used roundup to kill the ones in…

Questions re getting rid of fishbone fern
11 years11 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Fence uprights anchored into rock retaining wall?

Thanks for the help, that makes sense.
Assuming all the posts lined up nicely enough and they are all well set, would this likely be strong enough for, say, a child…

11 years11 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Fence uprights anchored into rock retaining wall?

I'm after some advice on building a fence along the top of a rock retaining wall on our property. We've seen fences where the uprights are attached to an 'anchor'…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Could somebody please identify this tree?

I had a good look but still couldn't find any seeds, flowers or pods to help identify them. Never mind though - I had a good look at the Macaranga…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:

They look great! We planted our Murrayas about a year ago and they're going strong but not nearly as dense as that yet. Perhaps we need to trim them more…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Could somebody please identify this tree?

I'm not too sure - never noticed any seeds or pods on them. I'll have a closer look tonight and will report back.
They're definitely behaving like weeds - shooting up…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Could somebody please identify this tree?

Excellent, gotcha! Thanks for the help.

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Could somebody please identify this tree?

Thanks for the help Online Gardener :)
Looking at the photos and description of Omalanthus Populifolius, it seems a bit different to me though - for…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Could somebody please identify this tree?

Hello, I was hoping somebody in the know could kindly identify this type of tree? I'm wondering if they're 'good' or 'bad', as they're popping up everywhere and seem to…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Tank / rainwater system missing filter

Definitely, I for one have greatly appreciated the help :)
SaveH2O - Following the advice in your last post I'm going to have a look inside those…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Tank / rainwater system missing filter

Thanks again for the very helpful reply. It's great to find someone going out of their way to really help a complete stranger - and no doubt like you say…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Tank / rainwater system missing filter

Wow, thanks for such a comprehensive and helpful reply SaveH20. To be honest I'm still absorbing a lot of it as there seems to be a lot there for me…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Tank / rainwater system missing filter

Thanks so much to you both for the help.
The tank does have a first flush diverter and the "water collecting funnel" (excuse the technical language) that the downpipe goes into…

12 years12 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Tank / rainwater system missing filter

Hi everyone,
I hope that this is the right sub-forum for this topic. We have a rainwater tank in our two year old house and water from the tank is used…

13 years13 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Need to concrete side of house - ground is very wet

We had a very similar problem when our place was being built - not a good feeling to check out the build progress and finding deep puddles of mud all…

13 years13 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Opinions on my soil, organic compost and grass

Sounds like you have it very nicely sorted out, and I'm sure you'll thank yourself for doing the hard yards with the proper prep work. I remember when we did…

13 years13 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Spider I.D please

I completely understand why people will want to help them back outside. However, for some of us, there's just a completely irrational fear going on with spiders for some reason.

13 years13 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Check out our pathway! (in progress)

Thanks :) It was hard work but we're happy with the progress. Now to see how it drains when it rains next...
We have our eye on…

13 years13 yearsStartingOutStartingOut posted:
Check out our pathway! (in progress)

Hi everyone,
We're laying a pathway down the side of our house and I thought I'd post a few photos for anyone interested. The idea was to turn a messy, dirty,…

Check out our pathway! (in progress)
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25 November 2009

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