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184PostsMost Active Topics


Joined 6 April 2011
Bronze Member
13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Anyone know anything about 'Supalux' board?

We are in the process of putting a built in wood fire into our house. In the instructions it says we need to use two strips of Supalux board…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Ok, photos aren't the best as I didn't get our good camera out that would show it so much better, however it gives you an idea.
Here they are during the…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Will try to in the next night or two. Need to take a couple for the lighting store anyway for their ideas book.

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

We have ones like these in our walls half way the stairs on the landing, they point upwards and give great light to see by, but you wouldn't want to…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

We have an undermount sink, no chips so far and my hubby nor I are exactly being overly cautious. Mind you we have only been in for 6 months.

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Excellent, at least I know I am a wealth of information on something, even it if is something so useful as kitchen bins :lol:

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

No what is sadder is that we have finished building and I designed my kitchen about a year ago and I am STILL talking about garbage bins ::lol::

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

so they must be the 22L I was remembering... We had a few kitchen people try and talk us into 15L bins but with the number of stairs between our…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
How wide r your kitchen drawers?

We have two sets of 800mm drawers and one set of 970mm drawers.

All of them have Blum soft close runners and I have not found any of them…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Ask and you shall receive...
dishwasher on the right, bin drawer then corner cupboard (our cupboards are square but the angle the photo was taken on the bottom looks smaller than…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

I don't remember, however lucky for you I am working from home today so went and measured it. The drawer front is 450mm. Ours is like Jodges, only…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

" title="Love struck" /> , as in I think it is one of the best features in our kitchen!! I have it where I do my food prep, so I…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
what paint to use on exterior cement render?

We went to the Dulux trade centre and got Total Prep (which is an undercoat, sealer and something else), we then used Dulux Weathershield for the top coats. I…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Need cheapish barstools

I love the soho stools, delivery is a bit scary though ($143 for four stools!!!!!!)

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Need cheapish barstools

I really like these barstools -> http://www.mattblatt.com.au/Fixed-Leg-Stool/H1001-Bar-Stool.aspx?p7680c0in white. Whilst $150 per stool isn't huge, we need four and hubby is being a pain in the butt and doesn't want…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Foam Board Outer Walls (Rendered Styrene)

If you mean polystyrene (ie the stuff tv etc come pack in) and then cement rendered we have that on the top half of our house.
It has fantastic insulating properties,…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:

We have the modena, although ours were installed during the build.
One electrician told us that the modena wouldn't fit into their standard brackets (the thing that goes behind…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Sorry to hear the windows and bricks haven't turned up ::sad:: Hope it can get sorted soon.
We have semi commercial in our living areas, we…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Gogo's build- outdoor update 99% done

Looking brilliant there!!!! Sorry to hear the worlds slowest brickies have also not done a top job ::sad:: Hope it is easily and quickly fixed.

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
BASIX water tank. Am I getting screwed?

either that or you would want it to cook you breakfast every morning!!!!
We installed our own and don't have it hooked to our toilet or washing machine or anything, but…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Does anyone have a Stovax wood heater??

This is a long shot, but does anyone have the Stovax woodheater? We are looking at the inbuilt Studio 1 or 2.
Link to them is here ->http://www.thefireplace.com.au/stovax_wood_heaters.html#mid
If you do…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Kev's new kitchen. Reno problems.

Wow you haven't had much luck have you!!!! Great looking floor though and at least you now know the roof isn't going to collapse in on you!

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
King furniture

We looked into King Furniture when buying our new lounge. We decided against them mainly because we realised that we are probably going to want to change our lounges…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Are whirlybird extractors worth it?

We had a unbearably hot upstairs when we first moved in. That is on hot days above 35 you couldn't actually go upstairs as it would physically take your…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Gogo's build- outdoor update 99% done

I don't blame you on the muffins, and you really did score the most interesting brickies in the way they work :shock:
Guess they don't have…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Gogo's build- outdoor update 99% done

Woo hoo!!!! Bet you are so glad to see the back of the brickies!

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Technika Oven Exploded

Andy was sold at Clive Peeters... We looked into get one in their going out of business sale. A quick google brought up heaps of exploding door posts so…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Our home reno and extension

Thanks everyone!! We are so happy with the result, although the bank account isn't so happy.
PaulMac I wondered if someone was going to spot that one. It is…

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

So for those not able to make it to the meet up, do we get photos????

13 years13 years~steph~~steph~ posted:
Our home reno and extension

We are at the tail end of our house reno and extension, however I have been reading everyone else's thread and thought it was only fair that I at least…

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