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Joined 7 November 2005
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13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Australian Kitchen Industries Pty Ltd in administration...

http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-07-05/r ... to/4112536
Not really a surprise but still very much a shame for any customers who get caught up in this.

13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
BLUM Soft Close mechanism for cupboards

The clip on soft close dampers are sold on a per unit basis and are relatively inexpensive - you could buy them over the counter for about $4 a unit.

13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
What makes cabinets good quality? What questions to ask?

To be fair to VladS I know of a few fabricators around here who now use the technique I think he is talking about.
Where two boards traditionally butt up against…

13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Distance of sink from bench edge

Does the "3D" illustration specify dimensions for the placement of the sink and rangehood?
If not then it is not a valid reference for installation if more accurate drawings i.e. dimensioned…

13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Oh please help me....!!!

Everyone will tell you that "vinyl has come a long way recently" and "those problems were a bad batch of glue"...
The truth is that vinyl wrap (thermolaminate) is still…

13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
How to remove a kitchen successfully for reinstallation

There ARE ways of installing all of these items so they can be easily removed and reused, the problem is that most consumers are unwilling to pay the extra that…

13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Caesar stone join on island bench :-(

Are you really sure of this?
If this is genuinely the case I need the contact details of whoever supplied and installed those tops as I have NEVER found anyone who…

13 years13 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Mitre 10 Kitchen Reviews?

Another option you might not have considered is getting the cabinets made to order and delivered assembled for you to install yourself which more and more cabinet makers are starting…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Is this an acceptable fix?

I didn't know D odgy Brothers were still doing kitchen installations.
I would be insisting on a new carcase/ carcase remove and repair for the drawer unit - no ifs or…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Cupboards over gas cooktop

So did I - I was always told 650mm above gas, but according to the AS/NZS 4386.1 + AS/NZS 4386.2 1996 (Domestic Kitchen Assemblies + Installations)
"The minimum vertical distance…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Cupboards over gas cooktop

Australian Standards require min. 600mm from the top of the burner - 650mm is even better.
This goes for any non fire retardant material above a gas cooktop as well as…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Flush mount cooktop

I was reinforcing your statement "ad infinitum".
My little jest was merely in support of the fact that this concept had been discussed "ad nauseum" and I couldn't agree more with…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Flush mount cooktop

^ ^ ^ Ad Nauseum...

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Rangehood extraction into ceiling - question

Ducting a rangehood into void spaces, ceiling or roof cavities is deemed a FIRE HAZARD.
Correct venting of rangehoods is a legal requirement specified in AS1668 covering mechanical ventilation and requires

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Cooktop cutout size?

If you (or whoever is installing it) are a bit handy you should be able to fix in some sort of timber filler or packing where the cooktop clamps grab…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
other alternatives for these marble benches

I could never recommend marble for a kitchen work surface.
It is far too soft and porous to withstand the typical punishment a kitchen should be specified for.
Of course it looks…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Help with Cat Breeders

Absolutely agree on the need to find a reputable, ETHICAL breeder if you are after a particular breed and rescuing if you aren't.
Everyone, please, stay away from pet mills and…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Can't have glass splashback near gas cooktop ??

No way, that would make too much sense!
Besides, everyone knows we are just out to try and sell them the most expensive solution every time, even if it means we…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Can't have glass splashback near gas cooktop ??

Are you sure?Yes.
This is likely because the burner was too close to the glass (for the type of paint used on the back).
Original poster stated that:
"I was advised by one…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Can't have glass splashback near gas cooktop ??

This is what I love about Bunnings - all the "qualified" people they have offering "professional" advice.
You definitely CAN have a glass splashback behind your cooktop, and it does not…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Who installs rangehood ? plumber or electrician ??

Anyone CAN install a rangehood but few trades WANT to install one - it is one of those grey areas that a lot of technicians fob off onto each other.

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Damaged Laminate Benchtop

There are a range of touchup "crayons" available that can cover up minor damage to laminate tops but nothing that really repairs a laminate surface to a quality similar to…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Washing machine to run off kitcken faucet?

A few years ago when I was living in a unit I had a front loading washing machine on castors that ran off the kitchen tap.
My plumbing supplier provided me…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Cheap kitchen reno ideas

Whereabouts are you?
If you are thinking about DIYing but really need a custom fitout it can't hurt to get a quote on a made to order flatpack.
There are quite a…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Advice on Benchtop for kitchen newbie

If you are going for a Laminex "Squareform" edge there won't be any glueline, the laminate is postformed with 2 x 4mm radius edges.

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Vinyl Wrap advice & comments please

You can touch up small marks yourself, just like you would a car or any other painted surface - but it will be harder to attain an invisible fix as…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Undercupboard rangehoods

There is no law stating that a rangehood has to be as wide as the cooktop - nor is there even an Australian Standard advising it.
The decision is up to…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
3 phase electric instant hot water Vs Heat Pump

Also known as "flow through" heaters - these are quite common in Europe where lots of people live in small units and don't have space for individual storage hot water…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
Ceasarstone in Brisbane

Quite a few of the kitchen companies who have showrooms have standing display racks of all the Caesarstone colours otherwise we all have folders that have a full range of…

14 years14 yearsStrumerStrumer posted:
I thought it couldn't get any worse

Ahh that makes much more sense to me - I misunderstood what you meant when you said you run the kickboard through.
I completely agree that making sure a dishwasher is…



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