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7 months7 monthssudhir posted:
Plumbing roots blocking PVC pipe
Plumbing roots blocking PVC pipe
Thank you. I will look at trench less pipe replacement.
9 months9 monthssudhir posted:
Plumbing roots blocking PVC pipe
Plumbing roots blocking PVC pipe
3 pipes are coming from upstairs bathroom. 40mm from bathroom sink, 50mm from shower and another 50mm from the bathtub. Highly unlikely that any of these will be open at…
9 months9 monthssudhir posted:
Plumbing roots blocking PVC pipe
Plumbing roots blocking PVC pipe
Please suggest a correct way to fix this issue. I want to remove frog mouth and fix it properly because roots are getting through frog mouth and blocking pipes. …
11 years11 yearssudhir posted:
J & J Plantation Retreat - 18M Q2 - Augustine Heights
J & J Plantation Retreat - 18M Q2 - Augustine Heights
Mate, Thanks for sharing. We are planning to building Retreat 18M Q2 at Rochedale.
Plantation homes does not have Q2 display homes, they only have Q1. I am worried that Family…
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10 February 2014