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Joined 5 July 2009
Gold Member
12 years12 yearstake2take2 posted:
Plucka's Build- Complete

Plucka you house is looking great, we built the same way I Brookwater and I am guessing you are in the same area, we love the reverse levels, when master…

12 years12 yearstake2take2 posted:
Building on steep block

We went through the process of building on a steep block 2years ago now..time flies...it is going to cost more, but my advice is to work with the block, the…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Spray foam for underfloor insulation.

I have organised to get a quote, but over the phone it was a guide price of $27 - $30 a sqm.
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Spray foam for underfloor insulation.

Has anyone use this type of product, just trying to work out the pros and cons.
I am wanting to insulate the underfloor sections of the house as we…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Design for sloping backyard

We have a similar slope in our backyard, we have just finished landscaping, we did not build any retaining wall, we got in a bob cat and built terraces with…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Project Homes VS What??

We went with a small builder who only built a few homes a year. Not all custom builders are upmarket. We could not use a project builder because we…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Weatherboard houses - exterior modern paint colours.

Our house is built with James Hardie Stria, the main colours for us are Surfmist at the front of the house, Wattyl Rock Oyster with woodland grey as a acent…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Sloped block build - Opinions required on some floor plans!!

Great design, all i would do is change the location of the door in the upstair bathroom so it does not face the sitting area.
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Sloped block build - Opinions required on some floor plans!!

We have built on a slopping block which slopped about 6m down from the street, the best thing to do is forget all the traditional designs they dont work, work…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Two Laundries

Maybe look at having one large laundry and a laundry shoot, you can still have an extra linen cupboard upstairs. I put a larger laundry in our place it…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Springfield Lakes - QLD

We have been in Brookwater the last 3yrs renting then building we love the area, I agree with the above posts about Augustine Heights, Is great now Masters Hardward has…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Not 100% happy with exterior of house

It looks lovely, I would finish it off with a timber deck for the porch and if you are after colour put 2 nice big feature pots at the front…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Need render & driveway help

That will get hot in the qld summer. most concrete companies have colour charts with a good selection of colours.
PS. House is looking beautiful Mrs P

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Our First BLUE EGG!!

DS took one of those blue eggs from his aunties chooks to prep last year the kids could not believe that a chook could lay a blue egg, mother nature…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Weatherboard and garage door colour - something different

Your house is looking beautiful, we painted our weatherboard in surfmist, just have a look on our blog link below, for a white I have found it a soft white…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
How do you get rid of ducks...

A couple of day of the duck off being in the pool and the duck seem to have moved on, a couple have jumped into the pool but seem to…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Have ducted air con, worth getting bedroom fans too?

me too, plus fans are cheaper to run.
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
How do you get rid of ducks...

Duck off went in today, see if that works.
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
How do you get rid of ducks...

Perfect can you get it on ebay :lol: :lol: :lol:
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
How do you get rid of ducks...

Here is some pictures of the mess I came home too today.

I am so over it ::angry:: ::angry::

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
How do you get rid of ducks...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
How do you get rid of ducks...

With young kids and pets I am not a fan of pool covers, a couple of ropes might be the go as a tempory deterrent.
Thanks Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
How do you get rid of ducks...

A group of Duck have decided to make our new pool their new home and as duck do they are making quite a mess.
Any Ideas of how to get…

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Advice on pool area

Here is one idea, I would just plant in out anything large leaf.

Cheers Lou

Advice on pool area
13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Wow Tara that looks fantastic, I love seeing colour being used.
::cheerleader:: ::cheerleader:: ::cheerleader::
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Part of kitchen cupboard missing - 3 month maintenance?

No don't wait contact them straight away.
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
What's for dinner?

Put my corned beef in the slowcooker this morning should ready to go tonight :D
Cheers Lou

13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Help Who watched Hot property Tonight on TV

Here you go, Filante Street, Kellyville Ridge, NSW 2155

http://images1.au.reastatic.net/456x342 ... 183204.jpg
Cheers Lou

Help Who watched Hot property Tonight on TV
13 years13 yearstake2take2 posted:
Indecisive decorator!! HELPPPPPP with PICS!!!

You could add colour and texture with some soft/sheer style curtains over the blinds, it would break up all the white on the walls.
Cheers Lou

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Plucka's Build- Complete
171 Posts
Building on steep block
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