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379 Posts
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379PostsMost Active Topics


Newcastle, NSW
Joined 21 March 2007
Gold Member
16 years16 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
What colour do you think this is?

Ring them up or email them and ask them - I liked the colour scheme in one of their other ones - the kitchen in Traditional Cocoa - they sent…

16 years16 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Raising the height of benches

When we approached our builder last year they said it was a common request - no problem at all ....
My folks had theirs raised 12yrs ago when they re-did their…

16 years16 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Has anyone had any experience building with McDonald Jones?

We will be building with them in the next year ... done a lot of investigation, been through a tonne of display houses but fell in love with the Monte…

16 years16 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Is anyone building with steel frames

yes they do - plus they have display houses in Newcastle/Port Stephens/Maitland & Central Coast area.....
A woman at work is building her house with the same people and they are…

16 years16 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Is anyone building with steel frames

The builder we are going to go with builds steel-frames as a standard - and their overall house prices are brilliant in comparison to the other large builders .....
Who are…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Freestanding cooker advice

You will just need to put the stove on a plinth (box) to raise it up ..... We have to do this as well as our benches will be…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
aloha! Vera!

Good grief - you're supposed to water them????? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Black Hole To suck all the $$$$$

Hi Hammerhead
I'm a Newcastle gal and I agree with the Heaven thing!
Your land looks beautiful, and the puppy looks so happy... where abouts in the Valley is the block?…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:

Another Vote for the Navman S50 - I bought this for my hubby for Christmas last year and we love it .... love the extra wide screen!

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Cat park

I remember that post
Oh and if you're interested I've posted a picture of him on the pet piccies thread.....
As for kitties not missing what they don't know, I agree…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Cat park

ahhh donuts, no human children (yet) at the moment its just the 4 legged variety

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
NYE 2008!

Aria is lovely and both times we've been there we have had a lovely experience, I'm sure you'll enjoy yourself and seeing the fireworks on the harbour is an amazing…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Cat park

Hey Paula that looks great.... we're getting something similar for down the side of our new place cause our boy (7yr old Talin) is a purely indoor kitty - too…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Auction Tomorrow!!

Oh Bel that is great news!
::cheerleader:: ::cheerleader:: ::cheerleader:: ::cheerleader::

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Laminex Freestyle Surface Benchtops

so how can they advertise it as non-porous if in fact it actually is? :?
Is it about the degree of being porous/non-porous?

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Laminex Freestyle Surface Benchtops

really? that goes against everything I've heard about it
I've done a quick search on Google and Essastone keeps coming up as non-porous - its reconstituted stone (same as Ceaserstone, Quantam…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Laminex Freestyle Surface Benchtops

Up here Essastone and Ceaserstone are fairly equal cost wise, the laminex freestyle benchs are cheaper - I checked them out at the Laminex display centre here and didn't really…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Pretty In Pink

ahhhh the good old 1940's bathrooms ..... there is the pink, the lemon, the mint green, the sky blue and the lavender out there
We have the mint green (very attractive…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
OVEN under STOVE- What do you think?

damn .. I almost choked holding that comment back ::stop:: ::stop:: ::stop:: ::stop::

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Rinnai Infinity hot water system

We have the Infinity in our current place and we will be getting it for the new place - love love love love love it ...
We had it installed in…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
What choices are there re Splashbacks

Other options might be
ceaserstone /corian/ essastone - they all can do vertical as well as horizontal surfaces and if you are doing the benchtops in it as well it can…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
My house - new home for hall table

naa thats not tooo bad - just generally means that they puked not long after eating... sounds to me like he is completely backed up - there wasn't any…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
R u happy with ur Smeg appliances?

They this link to a previous thread about smeg appliances
https://forum.homeone.com.au/viewtopic.p ... light=smeg

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Electrical plan - comments please!

Just a couple of bits I can see (love the floor plan btw)
Upstairs bathrooms and toilets don't have lights in them on the plan?
Hallway from master bedroom to stairway/lounge area…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Favourite Builder Australia Voted By Homeone

More needed to be added for NSW
GJ Gardiner
Just to name a few more, and I'm sure there are plenty more to add for Qld, SA & WA as well

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Laundry in a cupboard?

I agree thoroughly :D
then if something still needs ironing thats when we take them to the dry cleaners :lol:

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Beechwood gone??

I was in shock as well .. although we didn't like any of their display houses up here (some of the interior decorating attempts were horrifying! :shock:

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Laminex Visage - what do you think?

they have the tiled ones (like your picture) also like a mini orb style as well - and I think a couple of other textures .... they are shown on…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Laminex Visage - what do you think?

I went to the Laminex showroom a couple of suburbs over and saw these (and others like them) - they are really nice looking, they are 3 dimensional (the bits…

17 years17 yearsTalinsmumTalinsmum posted:
Sydney Home Show 2008 - Free Double Passes

hmmmm we were at the Liquid Kitchen stand by midday drinking a lychee margarita ..... thankfully lunch soon followed :lol: :lol:

Joined homeone
21 March 2007

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