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The Little Misses
696 Posts
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The Little Misses

Joined 4 March 2010
Gold Member
14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:

Ohhhh, we have the dreaded little b*stards as well ::hyst::
Started a few weeks ago, seeing one scamper through our garden along the fenceline, but…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Lawn Daisies

I have terrible allergies, but compared to all the existing cottage flowers I've planted, a few little daisies won't do any harm ::smile::
I have…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Lawn Daisies

From what I've read, these romantic little flowers are classed as weeds.
Six months on after moving into our house, we are still trying to create a cottage garden, and it's…

Lawn Daisies
14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
New coloured concrete driveway - What is acceptable?

Hi again Lex, have just replied to your PM ::smile::
We've only just had our driveway rectified in the last few weeks, 6 months after…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

Hi peoples,
Just wondering how everyone around the area is going ::smile::

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Our build- back on track....12 months update with piccies!

I feel your pain. Our actual house took seven months from when they laid our slab to handover.
Before that, we had to wait for our land to title as well…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Robinred's New House, Lots of photos finally!

Ohhhh Robin, congratulations!
The house is absolutely divine!
It's so surreal when you go through the whole building experience and move in, for weeks it can feel like it's not even…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
A & E's House! Pg 85 - a year or 2 worth of updates 11/12/14

I vote for the wall mounts too. Too many dangling might take away from the original pendants awesomeness.

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Flaggie's Home - Master BR update pg.69

OMG, that looks spectacular! I'm not normally a Green loving person, but that looks awesome with your tiles and white trim!
You've given me one of those "OHHHHHHHHHHHHH" moments

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Building Single or Double Storey - Land Not An Issue

Could also be due to the bigger blocks out here, plenty of room for a single story and your still able to have a nice sized yard.
Good luck with your…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Building Single or Double Storey - Land Not An Issue

I would go for a single story. You don't see many double story homes around here.
From what others around here have said, there tends to be a LOT of ground…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Can anyone identify this weed for me please?

Thanks Kek. Was trying to find the original post yesterday.
It's a bugger to remove, ours are quite mature unfortunately.
Been outside all weekend with the hoe, until the weather fines up…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Flaggie's Home - Master BR update pg.69

I wanna see it too.
Those frames =P~ =P~ I luuuuurve them still.
I had to re - paint our front door,…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Can anyone identify this weed for me please?

Thanks Fu, will try it as soon as we have some fine weather ::wink::

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
A & E's House! Pg 85 - a year or 2 worth of updates 11/12/14

All those shoes =P~ =P~ =P~ I would be setting up a camper bed…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Can anyone identify this weed for me please?

Thanks Fu ::smile::
Out of interest, It's been identified as Wire weed, or Polygonum aviculare.
It's supposed to be a Spring / Summer weed, and the…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Can anyone identify this weed for me please?

I think it might be Bindi weed, but not entirely sure. I'm not really a gardener, and haven't found much by Googling.
It's everywhere and I've tried most of the Bunnings…

Can anyone identify this weed for me please?
14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
A & E's House! Pg 85 - a year or 2 worth of updates 11/12/14

I'm doing the same thing, we overbought for the house (well I did, and I'm constantly nagged about it now)
My problem is, I'm buying to replace the things I've…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
A & E's House! Pg 85 - a year or 2 worth of updates 11/12/14

Was on eBay last night, looking at vases...
Is postage available, it's too far for me to pick up ::hyst::
Love the decking, I'm super jealous.…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Another Santorini 26 by *M*-Dream turning into a NIGHTMARE

I actually mentioned what's happening with your house to my site supervisor, who visited us yesterday.
I've been so anal about checking for cracks now too, and found a doozie outside…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

Now I've posted twice, quoting myself. Ahh fudge it, I give up ::hyst:: :lol: :lol:

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

Edited: My post was all over the place with gaps everywhere.

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

I hate the creepy S word, it freaks me out. We call them harry's, sounds much more nicer :lol:
We did when we first moved…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Flaggie's Home - Master BR update pg.69

It's looking spectacular Flaggie, I love the close up of the white frames. I love close ups, it's the only time you can see
the little details in things. Are they…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

The police don't seem to care less Jen, they have that blasé attitude and they classed it as attempted damage to a motor
vehicle. They downplay crime around here and nothing…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

Physically he's fine, but he's really shaken and now at the point where he's fuming.
We have to send photos through to the constable who took notes and also an insurance…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

Just a WARNING to others in our area, make sure your car doors are all
locked and use only main roads if your driving through the area at night, and NOT…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Boral River Pebble Pavers

Sorry about the photo quality, have them sitting in a wheelbarrow for now.
They are a more rustic version, but we are planting a cottage style garden,

Through boral, they have…

Boral River Pebble Pavers
14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Boral River Pebble Pavers

I found a cheaper alternative at Bunnings. Same deal, but these are actual pebbles on a mesh backing, fairly large too.
Bought a whole stack, although haven't been able to lay…

14 years14 yearsThe Little MissesThe Little Misses posted:
Anyone building in Arnolds Creek Estate Melton West

Hey AL,
Just wondering if anyone else had a leaflet in their letterbox about the local hoons?
It has the Melton police phone number on it, to dob in a hoon, not…

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New coloured concrete driveway - What is acceptable?
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Lawn Daisies
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