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Joined 29 August 2010
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5 years5 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Quoting the hard work of Pepsi_Drinker and attempting to provide updates after page32 upto this point of the thread, I will have missed things so feel free to copy &…

  ⋅  10
9 years9 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Garage floor sealing

The dymark epoxy has come off where the cars have been parked in less than 6 months of getting it applied.
I would not recommend it. I should have used…

10 years10 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
vinyl planks?

No issues so far, I have used a steam cleaner on them a few too many times, you are not supposed to steam clean vinyl.
They seem to be fine so…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Zoysia project in Melbourne

Not sure about everyone else, but my empire zoysia is starting to show signs of life, parts of it are getting green while other parts are still dormant/dead.
I also removed…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Zoysia project in Melbourne

I use photobucket, this website requires you to use an external website to host your photos...

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Zoysia project in Melbourne

I have empire zoysia and it went brown a few months ago. I've had countless people tell me that my grass has died and it has weeds growing all over…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Bafto Homes Custom Build

I would say the pro is the price, and the flexibility. They were very flexible with changes and I don't really think I was overcharged for most of the changes…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Aka "smart" TV's, started a while ago, but they were not that "smart" back then :)
Anyway, they do wireless like anything else, and the more…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

As someone who previously wired their home, let me add some inputs regarding the wired network setup. I also have a friend who found the same issue, he uses a…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Vic - Building in Fire Zone Areas, extra costs and info

http://www.dpcd.vic.gov.au/planning/pla ... protection has a little information. But as per your other post the CFA is the best contact for this.
There are standards for building in…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Garage floor covering

I considered vinyl for the garage but it can quickly get expensive, I mean $35/m for 6*6m , $1260 for the garage floor?!
And that's assuming a do it yourself…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Garage floor covering

My dymark floor sealant chipped and came off eventually, 90% is still there but there are big gaps now, mainly near where the tyres are. If I get a few…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
How much perlite per square metre?

I wonder if this is contributing to my current issue, I suspect I may not have wet the ground enough before compacting....
Because now when I step on the turf some…

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
How much perlite per square metre?

Thanks. I spread 2 bags over the back mostly which is 40sqm. And some on the nature strip which is 40sqm

11 years11 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Flooring misinformation......

I have heard about the moisture problem as well, the rule is actually months after the slab had last got wet.
I have heard the worst case problem is that…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
How much perlite per square metre?

I bought 2*100litre bags of perlite, which I think might be too much, but anyway.
I've got 35square meters where I intend to lay turf out the back on Saturday, and…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

Just read that bentonite clay it not necessary in sandy loom, so I won't be needing it anyway. I will use the perlite/zeolite and other items I bought though.

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

Does anyone know how much perlite to use in the soil? Is it less then spongolite or ...?

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

Found I can use perlite instead, managed to find bags of 100l on ebay for $25, I think this is 6kg. I'll just use 1 or 2 in the 35square…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

I've probably called about 10 to 15 places, no one has heard of spongolite, the Richgro Aquatic Planting Mix is proving equally difficult.
Penhalluriack's of Caulfield said they are out of…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

BactivateGrow is on ebay, spongolite is proving equally difficult to find so far. I did find a thread mentioning:
richgro aquatic planting mix
I might try track that down

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

I've called two Diacos nurseries including mornington, there is no Bactivate stock.
This is proving quite hard to find, I might have to skip it unless someone call tell me where…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

Dropped the Globe Australia team an email to see if I need to make the trip to Bulleen or not for Zeolite.
Mycoapply Defence is $60 + shipping so I…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

Thanks, I believe there is one in Hampton Park or somewhere close so I'll call them and check what they have.

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

Powerfeed appears to be available at bunnings. I'm not sure about Bioasis Bactivate or any of the other products.
I have approx 40m^2 of what will be turf, and a lot…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Tile, wood laminate or vinyl planks

My brother used click-lock serfloor planks, a lot of work to get it perfect but it does look great.
He didn't seem to have any problems 4 months or more…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Where to buy Zeolite, Spongolite, Bentonite in SE Victoria

I'm finally getting close to laying the turf, I've planted a huge number of native plants, at some point I might post up some photos if anyone is interested, it…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Concrete or paving around slab

Well 7m*3m for the last section I got done, that was around $2000.
That included re-sealing the alfresco which was 14square metres.
If I chose not to re-seal the colours wouldn't…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Concrete or paving around slab

I'm getting concrete around the slab. Fortunately I've found a good concreter, his concrete slopes the correct way and drains off into a drain near the garage.
And around the…

12 years12 yearstheanonyusertheanonyuser posted:
Chromagen solar Hotwater

I had issues with my chromagen system but I wouldn't say it's the models fault as such.
I have water saving shower heads that don't put out a lot of…

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