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Joined 19 January 2015
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7 years7 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

Exactly. If PD had contacted me I'd have been a bit grumpy but our build got held up four weeks right before PCI because they ran out of benchtops…

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7 years7 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

I wish. I just heard back from a supervisor from the new homes team... they had a list of who had that particular tile that they handed over... apparently…

7 years7 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

You guys are going to love this. We built with Porter Davis in 2016, other than the three month check have barely had any contact with them since handover.…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

Liz I am SO sorry to hear about all the trouble you are still happening. I check your updates on Insta and just shake my head. I can't…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

I'm going back a fair way (havent checked in on this for a while but I saw some of Liz's posts on Insta and wanted to get more of the…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

I might be able to answer that one, I'm pretty sure only Lifestyle & Prestige do tender, ours was Access and we didn't do tender either. What range are…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Clyde/Clyde North vs Officer

I'm no expert on Officer but we moved into Cranny East which is practically Clyde (Shopping on Clyde is our local Coles) about 6 months ago, I'd prefer it in…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Building Porter Davis "Livingstone" in SE Melbourne

Ohhhh I see what you mean, yeah we're persisting with Vodafone because our plans are so good but making regular phone calls is pretty tough, basically there are only two…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Building Porter Davis "Livingstone" in SE Melbourne

Thank you! It's Bolero laminate Rustic Nougat. Super hardy (I figure, because they had it in the display home!)... everyone thinks it's hardwood & surprised when we say…

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8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Building Porter Davis "Livingstone" in SE Melbourne

Opticomm aren't a service provider, they just do the connection for the service provider. You need to find one with a fibre to home plan - the list is…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Building Porter Davis "Livingstone" in SE Melbourne

I only just saw this! The whole estate is on fibre to the home, you have to call Opticomm to get it connected first. Would recommend booking that in…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Re: Building in Cranbourne (Simonds Homes) Week 15

Hi Perry I walked past yesterday and thought it looked like you were almost finished so both happy/sad to see your most recent update... fingers crossed it's not too much…

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8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Building inspectors Melbourne

We used Darbecca and were really impressed both with the quality of the reports and with the awesome customer service we got all the way through. We met two…

8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

We have our three month coming up and fortunately haven't got too many issues to address, the flapping in the ceiling, especially above our bedroom, is the main concern. I…

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8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Re: Building in Cranbourne (Simonds Homes) Week 15

I think I figured it out from your photo #slightlystalkerish ... O'Meara near the corner, right? And of course I can send you photos :)

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8 years8 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Re: Building in Cranbourne (Simonds Homes) Week 15

Congrats on a site start. We actually walked past your site tonight (we do a nightly walk around the estate). I went to NZ for five days and…

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9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Mayfield/Livingston/Parks Edge/Grow estates

We're looking to get an alarm system but we're fully insured and don't want to turn our place into Fort Knox by adding security grilles or anything like that -…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes


9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Mayfield/Livingston/Parks Edge/Grow estates

Car is still there, it's been 2.5 hours now
... and we just went to chat to some other neighbours and we caught it driving away. Fingers crossed nothing else…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Mayfield/Livingston/Parks Edge/Grow estates

Jeepers. Our other neighbours called the cops (who they'd already been in touch with when the thieves tried to break into his work ute parked outside their home -…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?

Please do! Last night they broke into our next door neighbour's car at 3.30am, got the garage door opener out of it and got into the garage & stole…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Anyone building with Homebuyers Centre in VICTORIA?

For those in Mayfield...
Just a warning for our neighbours... a house in Mossey Cres has been broken into, and two on our street (Adrian Street). Thieves seem to be…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Mayfield/Livingston/Parks Edge/Grow estates

Just a warning for our neighbours... a house in Mossey Cres has been broken into, and two on our street (Adrian Street). Thieves seem to be after tools but…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

Any photos?
And are you getting Darbecca or another inspector out?

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

We got quoted for our ensuite only and chose not to go through PD because we thought it was too expensive - but later regretted it because it really wasn't…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

Our inspector discovered at PCI that we had no insulation in the roof. Why our site supervisor wasn't aware of it was beyond me.
Speaking of our SS, he must…

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9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

Gosh I hate all the flapping & noise coming from the roof cavity when there's wind. Anyone else with me on that? I mean, it's nothing on dojrude's issues…

9 years9 yearsthewoodiesthewoodies posted:
Porter Davis homes

I also got the impression that the BCs etc had far too much on their plates. Which sucks but at the same time, that's not the customer's fault. They…

  ⋅  1

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Porter Davis homes
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