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Joined 17 November 2008
Gold Member
14 years14 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Wow, cannot believe how time has flown since I last added to this thread :shock: :shock: :shock:

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Thanks everyone, well the carpet has been laid and furniture put back in the house which is very exciting especially living with concrete for the past three months!!!

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

The floor tiling has been completed yesterday!!!! I am able to clean them tomorrow and then move all my furniture back in :z: The air…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Well have been in the house just over three months and my list is steadily growing of items that need to be fixed. I cannot believe how quickly time…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:

Your home is lovely :) The splashback looks great.
Not much longer to go now :z: :z:

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Thanks for all of your comments!! ::lol::
Bought some black bark the other day and have spread that out over the front gardens, just have the…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

It certainly is Lisanne!! :z: :z: I am so used to the concrete slab :lol:

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Our Villa 24 @ Karinya, Point Cook. 3mth Maint. 6mth late!

Congrats with the progress so far with your build ::celeb::
Looking forward to seeing your pics as it seems like not that long ago that I…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Thanks Bel and FB, am hoping to get the bark down this weekend, well what is left of it, fingers crossed that it does not rain too much tomorrow despite…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Frangipani question

They are some very interesting pics :) Sorry to ask this question here but I have recently re-potted two of these plants and one it…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Thanks FB and hope that you had a great shift Haywgl ::lol::
After two days or preparing and planting the front gardens are all done! …

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Thanks FB you home is looking great! As I was not with BF during the build I have got to choose what ever it is I wanted, as he…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Thanks FB you home is looking great! As I was not with BF during the build I have got to choose what ever it is I wanted, as he…

A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03
15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Hels: There are actually not too many people who have front fences here in the estate, there are only my self and another house which has a steel tubular style…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
BJ's Regent23 - My DIY Landscaping! *** New Pics!! 20/01

Great job on the garden and all in five days! :: :: :D

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Obscure sidelights

Thanks for suggestions, I bought a piece of chocolate coloured blockout material and tacked it to the architrave, which shall see us through the summer months :lol:

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:

Your tiles are gorgeous! Such a lovely colour :D

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Secondhomebuilder: Thankyou! :D
Lisanne: Must post on your thread to ask/read up on what you used to seal your pots with the chillies in them…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

The fence posts for the front have gone in yesterday and I have just painted them this morning. Hopefully by the weekend the fence shall be ready for me…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Slab not level in areas for tiling

Themax, the tiler that is actually going to do the tiling stated that with the size tile I have 450mm x 450mm he shall using approx 10-12mm of glue which…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Slab not level in areas for tiling

Hi Themax, my tiles are a matt olive brown in colour as I have a dog and didn't want here scratching them too much :) I…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Thanks Haywgl and Lisanne :D
I had some issues with the tiling, I have started a thread in the flooring section, but am very,…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Slab not level in areas for tiling

Well have spoken and met with another tiler whose work I have seen and he stated that there is no real issue with the flooring, There is one section which…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Well the concrete is completed, able to walk on it just not drive for a week or so. I have just finished painting the deck, should have bought one…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Slab not level in areas for tiling

Had the supervisor and somebody else from the builder come out yesterday and havew spoken to the state manager about the uneven slab and apparently the building commission tolerances are…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

Well the first part of the concrete was laid yesterday and the rest is being done today ::lol::
They have washed off a section of it…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Obscure sidelights

Thanks for the advice Kylie will enquire about that :D

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
The journey begins..GRASS IS DOWN!

WOW Bel, that looks so impressive and such a great idea ::lol:: Looking forward to seeing the grass laid :D

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
A*J C@ventry 33 - Carpet laid updated pics 02/03

::surprise:: Will be sure to let BF about the points you raised Lunchtime, thanks. The termite protection is placed just below the weep holes, it…

15 years15 yearsTillieTillie posted:
Slab not level in areas for tiling

Thankyou very much for all the replies, they are really appreciated ::lol:: I am feeling a little more positive that I am not hopefully going…

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