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Lake Macquarie NSW
Joined 12 August 2020
Loyal Member
2 years2 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Feb 2022 - Is there shortage of bricklayer in NSW currently?

Thanks Simeon, it’s reassuring that it’s not a problem with my builder.

2 years2 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Feb 2022 - Is there shortage of bricklayer in NSW currently?

Is the bricklayer issue still ongoing? Is it down to cost. We’ve been waiting 5 weeks for a bricklayer and have had a few extension letters from the builder about…

2 years2 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Minimum energy standards rise from 5.5 to 7

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/articl ... owers.html
"The government unveiled its overhauled laws on Monday, where minimum energy standards for new homes being built will increase from 5.5 stars to…

2 years2 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Metricon sending legal threats to members of Facebook page

https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victo ... 1661800021
“Members of a Facebook group dedicated to people left “disappointed” by Metricon are receiving legal threats for talking about their experience.”

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Suspended slab cost - building in flood zone NSW

Based on the recent floods in the North Coast I'd also be getting second opinions from engineers on any build in a 1:100 flood zone to make sure that the…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Montgomery Homes

Montgomery have been reasonably open about the delays and have given us 44 weeks for the build and suggested that it could be much quicker, but probably won't be. Our…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Setback dispensation reasons and how likely to get it approv

When we deviated from our setback it changed us from a CDC to DA, but there didn't seem to be any issues. However, we did speak to all of our…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Montgomery Homes

Thats quite reassuring, it's difficult times for builders.

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Building with Montgomery Homes

We got our DA on 18 March and contract was signed 6th May.

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Home Building Blogs

Montgomery Riviera 2 - 293 Modified : https://www.instagram.com/rivieranewbuild/

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Please comment on proposed home layout

Is there any reason that you've gone for a carport rather than a three car garage? This seems to be a popular addition and no-one ever has a big enough…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Montgomery Homes

Honestly, I can't say. The only reason we are sticking with Montgomery is because of their local reputation amongst a number of friends who live in Montgomery built houses. That…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Building a new House in “uncertain times”

We are on the verge of signing a contract to build and have a knockdown and rental property lined up. The pre-construction phase has taken us nearly a year and…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Montgomery Homes

Hi Vanessa,
We locked in June 2021, it's been quite a long pre-construction process. We were never given an option to lock in a price, but were assured on a number…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Montgomery Homes

We have the Development Application and Construction Certificate in hand, construction plans are in progress and expecting contract signing within the next 3-4 weeks.
However, last week we were hit with…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Home networking future proofing

Yep, good question. For me it was more about having options. If the mesh works well without being hard wired then I can use the Ethernet connections for other uses.…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Home networking future proofing

It doesn't, however I was concerned with our house design that unless we'd need a greater number of mesh devices to provide a strong signal across the entire house. I've…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Home networking future proofing

We've included two data cables in our tender and this is purely hardwire the additional mesh wifi access points, this should give us strong wifi on all three levels of…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Building with Montgomery Homes

Thanks for the update. Out of curiosity, was it MH delays that resulted in the contract signing taking so long?

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Montgomery Homes

Hi Molly,
We have increased to around $1850 per sqm, however the base price hasn't changed and much of this increase is due to our selections and modifications. The price increases…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Building with Montgomery Homes

Our day has been in for about 3 weeks. Lake Macquarie council seem to be reasonably quick at working through the DA.

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Building with Montgomery Homes

Yes, our DA should be approved imminently. It's been an unexpectedly long journey. The only reason we've stayed with Montgomery is that several friends have built with them and the…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Building with Montgomery Homes

So I'm guessing you all received the letter from Montgomery today advising about the impacts of COVID-19 and the delays? Not really sure what it actually means. I wondered whether…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Build cost predications post 2022

It's a tricky situation for us, we are living in our knockdown property and it's not suited for our family so holding off isn't an option. Our options are some…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Build cost predications post 2022

No, nothing in writing.

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Build cost predications post 2022

Wow, I didn't realise that. We are already concerned about price increases as it's taken longer than 6 months for the pre-build design/Council DA etc, although so far the builder…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Build cost predications post 2022

We are pretty close to contract signing, we've been given the draft 46 week HIA contract. I've had a look through the planning portal for our area and checked the…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Build cost predications post 2022

Whats the average contract time now? Are some builders managing to get materials and progress quicker than others? Any improvements in sight?

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Driveway/pathway changes - exempt development

Our builder has put in a design for the driveway which overall is good, however once the build is completed I'd like to see what the options are for extra…

3 years3 yearsTrickyRickyDooTrickyRickyDoo posted:
Building with Montgomery Homes

Has anyone had any progress?

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