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Joined 20 August 2014
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10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Eliza Ponds - Spearwood WA

Yeah, thats what I thought too. I call an ISP and they say it isnt ready, call NBN and they say developer needs to install it. I email Fred -…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Eliza Ponds - Spearwood WA

Yeah we are in, seems a few people in my corner are shifting in slowly, and I see some lights across the pond too. 13 months, wow. at least the…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Building area Calculation

something to do with counting the external walls.
If your spreadsheet is the internal wall sizes there is no area of walls in your calcs.

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Building with Dale Alcock SOR - PCI 24/4

haha, we nearly went with colorbond wallaby (in 1/2 or 1/4, cant recall) as well, but thought twice as 'solver wallaby' is a different animal (pun intended). Went with solver…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
New house build - stuck on plans

theatre, being a habitable room - requires natural light and ventilation under building code. nothing stopping you renaming it as 'store' to get around this, other than natural light and…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Eliza Ponds - Spearwood WA

Haha, that's not something to be sad about! Congrats on lockup - do you have a handover date?

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
First floor lighting conundrum

First of all - to me - 'first floor' means upper floor. I assume we are talking ground floor if the issue is the slab of the floor above.
Are you…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Compaction Certificates perth wa

Geotech or structural engineer I would say

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Family Home - Bedfordale

Why not? We live in a mixed climate, both winter and summer performance should be considered. If summer goes up slightly but if offset by huge savings in winter -…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Family Home - Bedfordale

The issue of roof colour and insulation are both dealing with heat loss by conductance.
This is a function of the resistance of the materials, and the temperate difference.
The dark roof…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Low e glass

A NatHERS rating is a measure of the building's simulated energy use to stay warm in winter and cool in summer. Your rating has nothing to do with appliances, solar…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Mortar question

Yep, I would be worried. The colour of the sand will affect the mortar colour, so if you are after really white, I would have thought they would need white…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Family Home - Bedfordale

Ditching the verandahs or going with clear sheet on the north would probably help your rating if it is a winter issue. Also styrene under the slab (R1.0 or so)…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Knockdown and rebuild without planning permit, possible?

I don't think too many professionals would be willing to work on anything that might land them in hot water. The ones that would are probably those to avoid.

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Where do I start???

Sounds like you should meet with a designer or architect as a first step?

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Whirlybirds & Roof Ventilation - Do you need it?

Don't think so - in a cooler climate (like Melbourne) your home will perform better with an unventilated roof (in NatHERS, anyway)

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Concrete Slab House vs Raised Timber Floor House

Verandahs are going to destroy your thermal performance by blocking all winter sun. From your description, a lightweight/elevated home with raked ceilings, high level glass and verandahs all round is…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Copyright - how to calculate 10% difference

Hence why copyright law is a grey area and the 10% rule is difficult to use to make it black and white. The builder is just telling you the law.…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Eliza Ponds - Spearwood WA

Looks good to me - although I didn't get an email.
hope the 'sewer pump station' isnt too much of an eyesore, but very happy with the public spaces delivered so…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Versawall Internal Corners

Oh ok - yeah sorry I have no experience with this product.
Maybe call the supplier or manufacturer?

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Versawall Internal Corners

What does the inside of the 'external corner' block you have look like. I might just be a corner - internal or external?

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Aspireon Build Eliza Ponds

Hey Roscoes,
Think I saw you and fam admiring your slab last nite - we where out checking progress on the brickwork across butter lane.
Congrats on the slab.
What was council/developer issue…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Building close to an existing fence?

The R-codes work on anything under 900mm/1m being considered a boundary wall. Unfortunately if you cant get approval for a wall on the boundary, it will need to comply with…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Building close to an existing fence?

the post might be 84mm, but the concrete under ground holding it in will be wider. Normally you would remove the fence and use your boundary wall as the fence...any…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Critique Criticism on Custom Design

Where is north on your block - and what climate are you in?
I don't see why the location of the laundry is an issue, personally. I think the dining room…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Anyone used/have thoughts on shadowline / ShadowSet cornice?

Nope - stick roof. Ceiling joists are timber 90x35 or 90x45 no battens. Don't see too many trusses here in WA - maybe 5% of project homes?

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Anyone used/have thoughts on shadowline / ShadowSet cornice?

Yes, battens would be a good option at the cost of some ceiling height - but only to areas which are over 2.4m ceilings - otherwise this will drop the…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Anyone used/have thoughts on shadowline / ShadowSet cornice?

Actually, maybe they can just dryline your walls instead of float/set - that would solve the issues..but you would need to install a skirting (if you hadn't planned to do…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Anyone used/have thoughts on shadowline / ShadowSet cornice?

Oh I just mean that they deliver homes here with the float set going down to the floor and no skirting - so you effectively get a square set finish…

10 years10 yearsTristaniumTristanium posted:
Anyone used/have thoughts on shadowline / ShadowSet cornice?

I have done a couple of quick details to try to explain this a little better. This one is how they have built it so far - and what you…

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