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Beveridge! :D
Joined 9 December 2009
Gold Member
12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
I must be an idiot

Haha yeah me too.
We should hopefully get word on sale of our house soon :)

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
I must be an idiot

Haha. Yeah is definitely not a bad thing. Might have to pick a different country to cook from this time. We had Indian left over for about a month after…

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
I must be an idiot

Yeah we needed to downsize due to Ash's health. So we figure it's easier if we bite the bullet now and do it while it's still affordable and manageable for…

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
I must be an idiot

Yup! House is just clearing finance at the moment, then we're all set. Their banks valuer is coming over tomorrow to do an inspection.
Yeah we will be building here in…

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
I must be an idiot

Will be building again in a few months. Chosing a house plan at the moment :)

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Laminate Flooring

Were any of these done by the builders or they all done post handover? Whatever flooring we go with, will be done by the builder. We did our own last…

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Laminate Flooring

Has anybody here taken the flooring option of laminate flooring through the builder (Preferably Henley). I'd like to know how they have held up since you've taken possession of your…

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Casa De Twiggy - Handover tomorrow!

Random update:
Those rocks in the garden are the most devine place to sit down and have a couple of jars and smokes ;)

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Building the Sahara Q1 by Henley- WE HAVE THE KEYS!!!

In fairness though, if the developer hadn't of insisted that you change your facade, twice, you would probably be on your way already. As for the building permits, I think…

12 years12 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
The Story of Stormy's Castle. *Loooooong overdue update*

I like how your house is progressing along ma'am :)

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Mandalay - Beveridge

Howdy :) Which part of 6B are you in?
If you haven't already, look us up on Facebook. We've got about 140 residents in the group now,…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Solutions for extra cabling in double story post handover

What are my options like to get more cabling done after moving in? When we did up the plans for our house my wife had just been diagnosed, so to…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Casa De Twiggy - Handover tomorrow!

Thanks guys :) If I remember I'll take some internal pics over the weekend, before it gets destroyed by the Christmas lunch shinanigans ;)

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Casa De Twiggy - Handover tomorrow!

Wow that took you a fair while Freidy. Hopefully you'll have a smooth run post handover and can forget the dramas :)
We actually haven't had any…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Plantation/Henley Emperor - Interior and shed pics

Wow. That's monstrosous! :D

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Plantation/Henley Emperor - Interior and shed pics

Weren't kidding about the size of the excavator! Look forward to seeing the end results

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Porter Davis homes

Moved in two months ago now :)
Our curtains went in a week ago and the carpet went in a few weeks before that. Feels so much…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Casa De Twiggy - Handover tomorrow!

We've been in our house for two months already :O

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Porter Davis homes

Haven't been around for a few months, and there are some pretty houses going up :) Fair few of these were only just starting or in…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
What do you Love.... and Hate about your Home

2 months in and the only thing I really hate is how I overlooked the positioning of two light switches. They're in stupid to reach spots lol.
Honestly outside of…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Plantation/Henley Emperor - Interior and shed pics

Haven't been on for a while, but your house looks awesome :) Glad to hear it all went without a hitch (And in a nice timely…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Fence help: Question about share of fencing costs

I had a similar overlap issue with mine (House directly behind me was shorter than mine, so I had 2m of a different neighbour in the corner).
To be honest I…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Starting off our landscaping

Ta I got it. Will have a decent look when I can get to a pc

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Starting off our landscaping

That'd be great, thanks

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Starting off our landscaping

Heh most of the plants you've listed are all the ones we hate :D All good though, some of the things you've mentioned i've taken…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Starting off our landscaping

We moved into our house last week, and from tomorrow I'm on annnual leave, so I plan on getting a start on our landscaping.
My question is in relation to our…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Henley Monaco Q1 Nouveau Casiana Grove - Brick repair issue!

Yeah we have handover tomorrow. Hooray! This is probably the best bit of using Waterstone I think. We don't have to organise anything with the bank for handover. It's all…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Casa De Twiggy - Handover tomorrow!

Thanks Stormy :)
Appliances are going in tomorrow morning, so we're good to go straight in. Although at first we're probably just taking the bed and fridge…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Casa De Twiggy - Handover tomorrow!

Yeah it's really weird to think "I'll live there soon". So used to thinking of it as a construction site really. Also ends my 2 year living with my parents…

13 years13 yearsTwiggyTwiggy posted:
Casa De Twiggy - Handover tomorrow!

Thank you :)
At least I'll be able to get some pics with the driveway tomorrow and not just dirt and/or mud :D

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I must be an idiot
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Laminate Flooring
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