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Joined 15 April 2012
Gold Member
12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:

Greenify - we went thru NAB and borrowed 80% against the land and 80% of construction costs. We got 3 quotes for every big ticket item and researched for 12…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Dynamic Thermal Simulation

There are 3 softwares that energy assessors can use. AccuRate, Bers and First Rate.
Go to www.absa.net.au or www.bdav.org.au.
These are the…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
BASIX Questions / Answers Topic

Basix Thermal Protocol is actually about the simulation method. Sorry. Had a read last night. I did google what's the difference between 3phase and single phase and from what I…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
BASIX Questions / Answers Topic

I don't think they even know why they are concerned with it. Have you had a read of the Basix Thermal Protocol (Google it). It might have something in there.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
BASIX Questions / Answers Topic

Wouldn't you just get an energy assessor to model your house plans pre-build using the software they are accredited in. Doesn't cost that much and they can provide you with…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
BASIX Questions / Answers Topic

Sorry, I have no idea on this one. I've never tried to do one with single phase. You can register to do a Basix certificate and do a dummy run…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
BASIX Questions / Answers Topic

ABSA is one of the accreditation bodies that energy assessors must be a member of to conduct an energy assessment and provide a thermal assessment certificate which details the heating…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
best condensation control / sisalation - flat roof

The short answer is Yes. The foil backed blanket is better than foil alone because the insulation part reduces the heat transfer upwards to the colder metal roof which reduces…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Blanco 120cm rangehood wall canopy BWCS120X

We bought a Blanco 120cm range hood thinking it could be used outside over the BBQ and it can't be.
Apparently RRP is $2649 but we bought for $1200. Make…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Urgent Help Needed - Colours

How did you go with colour?
We used Limed White (Dulux) half strength and it has the grey/brown tones. The quater strength is quite light.
Lexicon is more of a grey…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Rules governing Site Fences

Contact the offending builder and advice you will be contacting council and workcover by end of week if temp fencing is not put in place. Watch them get that fence…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Rate question

They don't all offer the same thing. Find a broker. Brokers also don't/can't offer everything available from every lender. They can also have their own bias tendencies towards lenders.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Kitchen Overhead Cupboards - same material or glass?

It is really difficult to do kitchens IMO. I have googled your selections and have to say I would do the frosted glass with a brushed metal frame for the…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Internal door problem!!

We had same issue and the fit out carpenter just switched the door to outward opening. It was, apparently, easy and he had it done in 15mins.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
New neighbours and the eyesore...

We had an easement in our last place and youcan have a garden bed over the top of an easement.
I'd hate looking at that too. Do you like clumped…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
For those in their homes. List 5 things you absolutely LOVE!

Open living space and multiple living areas
The Hebel power floors
The glass upgrade to ComfortPlus clear
Motorised block out blinds in main living area

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Question about downlights!

The second option. Battens where you want downlights then change them out.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Clipsal Light Switch Saturn Range

We have them and the electrician told us there were a few ways they could wire them up.
Ours are: lights off blue led off. Lights on blue led on.…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Can pool plans be submitted on the same DA as the house?

Complying development certificate (I think it's certificate - memory failure)
Doesn't go through council, faster approval, obtained through a building certifier.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Can pool plans be submitted on the same DA as the house?

Yes you can but have you thought about submitting house on DA but doing pool on CDC application.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
My build thread - Kellyville

We have undermount exhaust in kitchen. I don't really like the canopy ones because of the cleaning involved. They get dusty and sticky too easily from cooking.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
My build thread - Kellyville

Hi 4evaesh
I found your thread. I'm on balmoral and will be able to watch your build from my front windows. I thought you would be local.
You're welcome to come…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
downlight fire from duct tape [nearly]

This is not what I was told by industry professionals at the time and I haven't read AS3000. Thanks for the information though. It's not common practice to cover downlights…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Enough space between island and cooktop?

Yes way too narrow. I wouldn't go less than 1100mm but 1200mm makes a big difference.

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Insulation for home theater?

I used Rockwool acoustic batts for our home theatre walls and R4.1 ceiling batts in the subfloor. I also have Hebel power floors instead if yellow tongue board to my…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
downlight fire from duct tape [nearly]

Really?? Is that new legislation?
12mths ago I worked on a project to document installing insulation and it covered clearances of insulation around downlights and this was not a requirement…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Owner Builder Requirements in WA

We used NAB for finance. 80% of the land value and same for construction costs.
Got 3 quotes for everything and took the middle one for the finance application then…

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Owner builder in Perth hills rammed earth

Sorry posted in wrong thread

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
New project in the Hawkesbury

Hey Emms, I keep checking in for an update on your project. How's it all going?

12 years12 yearsVessVess posted:
Dulux Limed White with brown leather furniture?

I have Dulux Limed White Half on our walls. Beautiful colour. We have dark floor tiles that have the same grey/brown tones. Our furniture is dark stained Victorian Ash timber…

Joined homeone
15 April 2012

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