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Joined 15 January 2007
Gold Member
15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Plants for underneath roses

nandina nana went very well with my roses in my previous place.
in winter when the roses were bare the nandinas gave plenty of colour. ground covers like pigface,…

15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:

Thanks Fu,
I figured out that a cut coke bottle served as a good funnel to fill the 3 L milk can with Molasses. It was easier to tip out on…

15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:

I bought a 5 kg bucket of Molasses the other day and have tried to use it in different ways-
dissolved in 9L bucket- approx 2 tbspoons and tipped into vegie…

15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Turf turning brown..Help~

I have been following this post as my EZ turf is the same. It is v-e-r-y slow growing and the gardener who helped us lay was amazed it hasnt needed…

15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Fence plants for privacy

murraya paniculata
choisyia ternata ---- both with great foliage and fragrant flowers. Last month's home beautiful had an example of this.
if you are after colour- varieties of leucodedrons/proteas just gorgeous ad…

15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Appropriate turf for Melbourne

The rolls were a bit dry in one palett but the others were green and moist.
After laying it looked quite brown in many areas with curled leaves. some borders…

15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Appropriate turf for Melbourne

I have the same thoughts re buffalo kiks and couches.
I am happy with my decision of E-Z laid last Friday.
It is still recovering from the transplantation shock. I…

15 years15 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Appropriate turf for Melbourne

We got the turf laid last Friday. and guess what there were plenty of earthworms on the root side but I also found several live lawn beetles ::angry::

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Plants selection for my front garden

Protea- some grow upto 3 m (my all time fav)
Eucalypts with rounded leaf (almost like bo leaves- gorgeous)
Eucalypt with burgundy foliage (would look great if you have a rendered or…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Costa's Garden Odyssey on SBS

Me too!
hve watched the last 4 or so episodes. How long has the program been going on?
makes me feel 'normal' as I am in a neighbourhood of sterile formal gardens.

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Costa's Garden Odyssey on SBS

Me too!
hve watched the last 4 or so episodes. How long has the program been going on?
makes me feel 'normal' as I am in a neighbourhood of sterile formal gardens.

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Appropriate turf for Melbourne

for Melb Eastern subs- 0ne st0p spr!nklers supply empire Zoysia for about $9.50 per sqm addl delivery $77
for Westerb subs - Fu's friend from Wang- simmo can provide…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Screening ideas HELP!!!

native hibiscus- my neighbour has it and we love the purple flowers even in winter.
Alternatively few posts, a trellis and jasmine/passionfruit/ pandorea creepers

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Appropriate turf for Melbourne

Just updating!
I spoke to Fu's friend in Wangaratta (google empire Zoysia in Wang)
Very informative and he convinced me it'll do just the same or even better than buffalos minus the…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Appropriate turf for Melbourne

Thank you for your feedback. I recently visited a family who have kikiyu and loved the texture. our garden beds are a lower than the turf so invasion by runners…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Need ideas for plants to line inside of fenceline!!!!

Hi nessbrown,
Are you in canberra?
Here in melbourne I got decent sized leucadendrons (100mm pots) for $6 each. got safari sunset x2 and few proteas. for frosty days they have…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Need ideas for plants to line inside of fenceline!!!!

Leucadendrons- avail in shades ranging from pale yellows to burgundy. gorgeous, long lasting cut flowers too
Proteas- look for shorter varieties as some get to 3 m bushes
Osteospermums as 'fillers' for…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Appropriate turf for Melbourne

Hi All,
I have been looking at getting turf laid for front and back yard (approx 100 sqm all up) we have water tanks (6000L)
i am a keen vegie and…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Junction Boxes for future outdoor lighting

we had junction boxes in the centre of the rooms for fans but they also require a provision for fan wall plates and a beam to which fan can be…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Zenon Crystal & Chrome Pendant Light

Sorry couldnt post the pics yet as my expertise with the digital camera is limited. Shall try posting them on the weekend.
The one we got is the…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
cheapest place to buy water tanks

we are getting ours from kingst0n tanks in Burwood (vic) they have several plumbers who are happy to hook up for approx $500. the slimline 3000 L is for about…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Edging for gardenbeds

Hi all!
just wondering what is the reasonable way to border your garden beds with.
concrete blocks/ paving bricks/concrete finished to match concrete blocks on retaining wall. I am tending…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Zenon Crystal & Chrome Pendant Light

we got 2 of them I just love them and have received lotsa compliments.
we got the short one for entry and hanging one for staircase. changing globes is easy too.…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
About to sign with M3tricon. Any Suggestions?

they are OK if you are not in a hurry for your home to finish on time. ours got delayed by 2 mo (total build time 11 mo for 2…

16 years16 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Building our dream home.. walls no longer bare!

the colour combos have come out very well indeed. I love the garage colour. and same with the balcony .how much was the upgrade for the balcony? we r considering…

17 years17 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Building our dream home.. walls no longer bare!

the house looks great VJ.
our walkthru was good and SS was with us while Kev was doing his bit. I think it was a good idea to combine the…

17 years17 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Building our dream home.. walls no longer bare!

::cheerleader:: ::cheerleader:: how exciting! ours is this Thursday
they are squeezing in Kev's inspection alongside. not sure if this is right…

17 years17 yearsvpandevpande posted:
sofas for people with back problems

thanks guys. Its not such a bad problem but has its days when everything and anything contributes! shall try the line from Norway and keep you posted! :D

17 years17 yearsvpandevpande posted:
sofas for people with back problems

Hi All,
Just wondering if anyone came across firm sofas that could help the bad back. The major furniture retailers have them quite squishy and looks like thats the norm. …

17 years17 yearsvpandevpande posted:
Polished Concrete...Smooth Finished Aggregate.....Experience

I have always been fascinated by polished agg. recently stayed at Tul!p executive ap@rtment in Ballarat where they have renovated while maintaining heritage style. the bathrooms had polished agg. didnt…

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