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Joined 26 May 2017
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5 years5 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

yes, power bill you need to pay.
its mainly your admin fee... the builder doesnt use it much, but still need electricity.

5 years5 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Anyone building with wentworth 33 with Clarendon?

I am in Sydney.
I dont think you can find Wentworth 35 design in any display homes. Your best bet is to see something similar design like Madison and Sheridan or…

5 years5 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Anyone building with wentworth 33 with Clarendon?

Where are you based ?
My wentworth 33 is 80% modified.
example :
I flip the ground floor horizontally starting from the garage to kitchen.
I also made a grand alfresco and huge changes…

5 years5 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

No issue with Belong. :)

5 years5 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Hi Asres17,
when no registration date, it means takes long may be another 1-2 years. My land takes 2 years to register.
For extra cost, I am not sure what you are…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Hi wingzee,
Do you mind if I asked what was your case? How.much does it cost you?

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Is there anyone ever go to legal action with Clarendon ?
I have talked to Solicitor, Lawyer and Fair Trading, but I need further advise before proceeding to legal 100% full-on.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Gap between Window frame and Brick Sill

Thats what I was worried.
The silicon will fill-in the hole and seal the rubber.
The additional frame at the bottom of the window frame will make the hole closer.
So it should…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Gap between Window frame and Brick Sill

Managed to get the builder to add a small triangle frame at the bottom and silicon the rubber.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Gap between Window frame and Brick Sill

Who is your builder ?
I got this as well. Technically, its happen to all my windows.. do you have any luck ? Have you complain to your builder ?

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

For Colour Studio, just prepare about 50K for Mid range finishing and about 100K for Top range, but minimum will be spending about 10K.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Well.. for fence.
If you make colourbond, you will have to forfeit your 1000 deposit. Thats all.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

I dont think that you are allowed to change lot after the exchange.
Lot changes only allowed before contract exchange.
Any changes after contract will forfeit any deposit that you have put.…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

Anyone received a letter from council regrading damage survey cost for after completion ? approx. $279 ?
Shouldnt this paid by Clarendon ? or I have to pay it myself ?

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

I prefer Madison 35.
Nothing to change and overall bedsize is bigger than sheridan 34.
Madison's bedroom has WIR. Not built ins.

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
New Breeze Bardia

If you choose design from a builder, normally, its builder job to pay for the insurance. I never heard you have to pay it yourself.
You will only pay your own…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

I am building in NSW.
The Madison I checked was from Clarendon website NSW.
I checked QLD Madison and Sheridan. Sheridan better, except for the Kitchen. If you can move the Kitchen…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

I prefer Madison. Reasons :
1. Kitchen is at the top right corner. Therefore, its ducted range hood and the smell doesnt goes to the entire room.
2. Bed 1 / Master…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Who is the builder?
The builder using old information.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Dont worry about 244 or 270.
Try find 33sqm house. Thats your guidelines.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Thr information from your builder is correct. 33sq is the max size for you.
270 excludes void and alfresco, but include half garage (if you having double garage)

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

I use Jims building. Depending on where you build, they have different people, unless you go direct.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Who's building with Clarendon??

You just need to call private inspector and tell them the stage you are and ask for the cost.
Make sure you have a pre lining and before handover stage.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Let me know the cost and the size that you are making and quality when completed.
I also want to make in april 2019 :
1. Driveway for 2 cars
2. Slab at…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

I dont think you can. For CDC to do your design approval, they need lots of documents regarding your land, especially with easement and sewers.
its only take up to 2…

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

CDC is just another company who has qualification from council to do most of the job for them.
CDC applies council rules prior lodging to ease councils job.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

CDC takes 2-3 weeks to prepare, it depend on your builder.
CDC lodge to council takes 2-4 weeks.
Total time ranging between 3-6 weeks.

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

I am confused.
Has its been in Council or not?

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

Total lodgement of your building is 5 week?
Or you need another 5 weeks due to SOEE lodgement ?

6 years6 yearswentworth33wentworth33 posted:
Building at Bardia - New Breeze

dont worry. once you have your building approved, your excitement will be back.

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