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Joined 14 August 2012
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12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Cool/Warm LED suggestions for these rooms

We put cool white in most of our new house. The guy who was building the place for us asked me to buy a few for him but insisted on…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

This from experience. If you have anyone in the household who goes to work in their car earlier than you want to wake up do not put bedrooms, well your…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Help on glass splashback colour

Ours is a lighter colour but also a little Khaki(ish)
The colour is Resene "Stun" metallic. I am with you joles. It is also one of the choices I am most…

Help on glass splashback colour
12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Show me your kitchen...

I am probably not the best person to ask as I am not a great fan of white benches unless they are natural with an interesting pattern through them. Only…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Looks great. Our original (well one of them) idea was to have the dark mirror as a splash and facade to our B/Bar. I then chganged my mind and started…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Cleaning Granite Benchtops

Black granite is so dense that a sealant is just a waste of money. Just wipe them down with a wet cloth or any of the windex type non streaky…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Finally all complete and in use. Really happy with the quality of work. The owner builder who developed the property for sale really went the extra mile and did so…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
SunshineT's Build: Garden pics

Sorry to highjack the thread but is weed mat OK or not between the soil and the mulch?

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Weed mat.

We have a large area of the back yard that is covered in mulch with weed mat underneath. It is in shade much of the day so I have planted…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Black bench tops???

I would recommend anyone who is considering engineered stone to at least check out granite. You may be surprised as to how little there is in the price difference. Black…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Our custom home -downslope- New blinds installed

Around $400-500 per sq mt installed.

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Caesarstone sink cutout

You will also need to polish the edges of the cutout for the undermount sink. As others have said a stonemason will do the job but I am not sure…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Sealing bricks for splashback in outdoor kitchen

We have an outdoor kitchen in our new house and the benchtop and cooker sits against the brickwork on the back of the house. We do a lot of wok…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
What type of grass do I need?

I just layed some EZ turf about 6 weeks ago. Skimped a bit on the soil prep but at the moment all is going well. Greening up even more today…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Show Us Your Splashback

It has some bronze, gold and a greenish tinge depending on the light. I was worried it would be too green but it turned out pretty well and goes well…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Show Us Your Splashback

Glass splashback finally in. After many changes of mind eventually settled on Resene "stun" metallic.
Rangehood and LED strip lights under the overheads to be done.

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Cool white LED: What do you think?

I have been in a very good showroom that showed the difference and this is what I gleaned from the demo.
Golden rule. Never mix the two where both will be…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Eco-hydrate - anyone ever used this?

Waiting to hear the results as well. Would this be a good product to spray some newly laid (1 week ago) empire zoysia turf?

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Outdoor kitchen Ideas, pics, questions, help PIC OVERLOAD!!

We are in the process of getting one built by the guy (owner builder developer) building an almost completed house we are buying. We have already got the stone benchtop…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Show me your kitchen...

Kitchen benches are almost in. The stone guy who has been wonderfully so far has made an error though. He measured up the benches and then suggested if we went…

Show me your kitchen...
12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
YDL Stone benchtops

Before you do my advice is to also check out some suppliers of natural stone and look at the difference. Only a personal choice but I was very surprised when…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Buying tree ferns, palms etc in Sydney

I would like to build a tropical garden. Have a large shaded area at the back of the block that would be a great location for shade loving plants.
I have…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Essastone or Diamond Gloss

The only comment I can make is that the price of buying a full sheet of engineered stone seems very excessive. It is hard to get a handle on the…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Plastic board for constructing an outdoor kitchen.

Has anyone used a synthetic type product to construct the cupboards of an outdoor kitchen? Ours will be under a pergola but would like to use something that will never…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
LED Downlights and Dimmers

I am no expert but I have just purchased 30 or so LED down lights for our home. You can put a number one to one dimmer.
We have 2 lots…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
New fence etiquette

Stripes (sorry)

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Southern beech timber floor questions.

We have Souther beech timber installed in a nearly completed house that we have purchased. I have been trying to find out a few things before it is sanded and…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

Not my idea. We are buying an almost completed home that a builder (not full time) is owner building two new houses side by side for an investment. The space…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Glass splashback - Problem!

I have been advised that the sparkly metallic paint types will look less sparkly once painted on the glass. I am hoping that that is the case as the initial…

12 years12 yearswoodyrenwoodyren posted:
Things you forget - summary page 32

If you have a normal sized fridge that you don't want to upgrade at the time see if your kitchen builder/designer can install a narrow broom cupboard next to the…

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