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48 Posts
Junior Member

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Joined 14 August 2008
Junior Member
14 years14 yearsxx posted:
Bought a block in SA-I'm back, moved in pics! Build from p14

Absolutely go into planning within council.
I don't know how times I went in with our design to seek advice. But in the end all the visits were…

14 years14 yearsxx posted:

Anyone have info on these people.
They are up the road from scottt salisbury but their pricing seems to be far less than those at the display villages. …

14 years14 yearsxx posted:
Single phase or 3 phase

We upgraded to 3 phase only to find during the build that it wasn't available. We had to downsize our aircon, pool heater etc. At first we thought…

14 years14 yearsxx posted:
Building with Rendition Homes

Fair enough, not your everyday spec home. If it's where I think it is I look forward to watching it's process. It does get quite exciting once they…

14 years14 yearsxx posted:
Building with Rendition Homes

Hey Spud,
Did you have any particular problems that held things up so long. ? We signed in April 09 ( not Ren )and moved in July this year. I…

14 years14 yearsxx posted:
Per SQM Cost diff between adding on and building new home

We have recently finished building and have an idea of what costs what.
Some friends are getting quotes for a typical family room type extension of the back of the house…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Gas heater problem, not providing hot enough water

Brand is Rinnia and we are happy with 50c but it just seems too much water and time to only finish up with luke warm water.
RE smart start, this is…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Gas heater problem, not providing hot enough water

At the longest point about 18 metres. We went with the builders standard heater and he said we should have no issues.

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
ROCK Allowance

We paid about $5,000 for about 25 hours wk, @ 200ph and didn't have any costs for soil removal.
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Gas heater problem, not providing hot enough water

We have just moved into a new 2 story place, internal space just under 300sqm.
According to the builder and manufacturer the gas heater is preset to 50c max. in…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Paint colour that looks like annodised alumininum

Hi there,
We want to paint some outdoor furniture to match our annodised aluminium windows. We are after the colour that people use on aluminium windows to try and look annodised.

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Paint colour that looks like annodised alumininum

Anyone know of the name, type or colour of the paint that looks like annodised aluminium.
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Building with Rendition Homes

Has anyone from RH explained why it takes so long to get strted?
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Land. How much did you pay?

369,000. 2000sqm. 10km from Adelaide CBD.
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Lock Up To Handover - How Long

Our 2 storey place was locked up last week.
The builder says 18 weeks all going well.
At present they are on time.
What have others taken?
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
The best display homes in Adelaide

No other display village comes close to Blackwood Pk.
They have places starting at around 100,000 through to 2 million dollar mansions.
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
free home design softwares

Would this H & G software be of any use to design a garden.

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Master Bedroom - Separate Level

Caroline, Are the monitors you refer to the baby type or something more technical..eg hardwired ?
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Private building inspector needed?

We thought long and hard about that one and decided against. We've found things wrong that the builder missed, an inspector probably would have as well, but they aren't…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
ADELAIDE pool construction/Landscaping..recommendations

Anyone from ADELAIDE recommend a decent pool/landscaping company. Plenty too pick from but anyone have good stories to report.

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Kordon Perimeter Termite Treatment

As we thought. Checked the site and noticed it wasn't down yet. Is now being rectified, it pays to check things for yourself.

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Kordon Perimeter Termite Treatment

Who has had this particular product installed and can you remember when the perimeter part was laid. eg. before or after timber, brickwork etc.
Mr. X

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
slab size laid smaller than plans.

It would seem we are getting somewhere.
The builder's theory is that someone stuffed up, no kidding. They have now accepted fault and we are pretty sure that we…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
slab size laid smaller than plans.

Yep fair question and we wondered if tapes differed. The builder has also measured and come up with the same measurement. The third party engineer is simply someone…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
slab size laid smaller than plans.

Is it safe to come out?
Since the initial post we've made plenty of calls to the relevant people.
The issue has been submitted to the builder in writing and…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
slab size laid smaller than plans.

Anyone else had this issue where the slab has been laid and is smaller than the plans. It is short in width and in depth. Obviously the…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Build a house, should or should not?

The only real way to get to as near a fixed price as possible without any PC's is pay for working drawings and engineering before signing a contract, around 4,000…

15 years15 yearsxx posted:
Do custom designed builders have a standard range

We're building a one off design with a medium size builder who have their "standard builders range".
We've upgraded to buggery and have gone about 100,000 over the standard.
Tiles and…

16 years16 yearsxx posted:
Building with Rendition Homes

Thats interesting what you say about Rendition. We considered them for a while but they were extremely slow with any reurn correspondance. We chose someone else who are just as…

Joined homeone
14 August 2008

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