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27 Posts
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Joined 18 August 2014
Junior Member
2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

I had a look of the side of the house and found that the next expansion joint is about 11m away. I did some reading online and joint spacing is…

2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Thanks mate. Good advice, I will talk to the builder.
Just wondering, at a certain point wouldn’t the brick stop expanding, and damage to surrounding bricks and mortar would cease?

2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Thanks building expert! Any way of rectifying this at this stage?

2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Thanks, I was referring to this photo - current state of the wall with the split brick faces and crack in the corner brick. Hopefully it doesn’t get any worse.

Brick movement above damp proof course
2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Thanks, I have no real evidence of movement either, so yes pretty sure it’s overhang. Any idea of how overhang would cause damage to brick underneath though, like the cracks…

2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

From memory it is a clayey soil. Sydney north shore.

2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

In hindsight we probably should not have done the garden bed in this area... The slab is quite high in this area, probably about 500mm above ground level.
Considering the…

Brick movement above damp proof course
2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Thanks for your advice! It is possible that the bricks were laid initially with overhang between the first and second courses. Please see photos below; first is after laying and…

2 years2 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Brick movement above damp proof course

Hi all, our brick veneer house was constructed approximately 2 and a half years ago. Today I noticed brick movement in one corner the house - see photos. The second…

4 years4 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Quality of brickwork - need some advice

Hi all, we are doing a knock down rebuild in Sydney North Shore with a small custom builder. I really need some expert advice with regards to brickwork and brick…

10 years10 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Sydney vacant land sales - $/m2 rates

Around $1300/m2 in North Kellyville at the moment.

  ⋅  1
10 years10 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Anyone else building in North Kellyville?

You'll find that once a minister or local MP gets behind a school or infrastructure project, things move very quickly. Just prior to the election the Education Minister tossed his…

10 years10 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Anyone else building in North Kellyville?

Hi Spart, thanks for your advice, Beaumont Hills PS seem like a good school as well.
Well, hopefully DEC will do something about it as I think Beaumont Hills has…

10 years10 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Anyone else building in North Kellyville?

Hi there, I've just got a reply from DEC and apparently the new school won't be open before 2020, depending on enrolment needs and funding.
As far as I know,…

10 years10 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Anyone else building in North Kellyville?

Hi all, after about 6 months of searching, including abandoning altogether (thought I was transferring for work), we finally put down a deposit for a Rawson H&L package on Foxall…

10 years10 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Re: jcm regarding the community title issues - it's certainly a mess and it's impossible to get a straight answer. Growth Centres NSW have changed the wording in the North…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Still no contract, and no concrete, written confirmation that E4 community title subdivisions can take on the same controls (i.e. setbacks and floor space ratios) as the adjoining R2 zoning.

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Hi trooper79, great work. Regarding the Community Title lots and the Eden Park thread you've linked to, it seems that the CDC approval process won't be possible. Although the Council…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Hi trooper79, good info from the contract. I've yet to receive mine (David says next week hopefully).
With regards to those two points, when I bought my PPOR last year, the…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Wow trooper79, you're a champ! Thanks for the contours.
David has also sent me some contours but only for the lot I've put down a deposit on. It's good to sea…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Yep the 2014 NK DCP is a bit more generous in terms of rear setbacks.
I called Council today and enquired regarding the E4 community title lots. I was told…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Thanks for that information MisterKash.
I've spent some quality time reading through the North Kellyville DCP both the one on the Growth Centre Commission's website (dated July 2014) and the one…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Land Sales List, North Kellyville

Excellent post, great for anyone looking in North Kellyville. All small developers so information is really hard to come by.
Castlehaven Realtors also have a few plots at 26-28 Foxall Road.…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Thanks misterkash! Haha it's definitely a club now.
Thanks for all that information. I will do some research.
There's one other concern, I can't seem to work out the setbacks for North…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Oak Tree Estate, North Kellyville

Hey guys, I've put down a deposit on one of the community title lots today. They didn't have any contours available but I was reassured by Ian and David that…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Anyone else building in North Kellyville?

Hi everyone, thanks for your input. I've spoken with a few agents and it seems that there is a lot of land coming in the pipeline but are being sold…

11 years11 yearsyjsyjs posted:
Anyone else building in North Kellyville?

Hi everyone, we want to buy a piece of land and built in North Kellyville, it seems we are a little late to the party. Does anyone know if there's…

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