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Joined 7 March 2007
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13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:
Where to buy fruit trees?

Bit late to order some from here now. But I've ordered 5 different varieties from here:
They have over 90 types of apples. Most on dwarfing root…

13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:

When we got our light sussex (which are quite large birds) They also had them in bantam size which were very cute

13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:

Silkies are supposed to be friendly. My isa browns are very sociable, one of them will actually come up and sit while my daughter pats it. Must get it on…

13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:
Landscape and garden design

I'll reply because no one else is :)
Thanks for putting up where your getting your supplies from, very helpful.
From my experience, I grabbed 1m of the…

13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:

Thanks Ducky

13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:

Not any current pics unfortunetly, but here's a pics of when I've finished the frame and mesh. I'll get some pics up during the week. Here's also a pic of…

13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:

Thanks Fu,
There's heaps of info online, but as with gardening, a lot of it is contradicting. So I'll just comment on my experiences.
I thought about the chicken tractor setup. I'm…

13 years13 yearszaffzaff posted:

Not much on here about chickens in the garden so thought I’d ask some questions.. I’ve recently built myself a coop and got 4 chooks (2x Isa Browns and 2x…

14 years14 yearszaffzaff posted:
Robusta as a screening hedge?

Sorry to be a pain, but can you explain the following sentence?
making sure that the hard face is towards the next plant and the wound is into the plant.

14 years14 yearszaffzaff posted:
Help saving fruit trees from the chipper (new pics 11/2010)

Well... Nine months later and I would say both moves have been a success. During the warmer months, both trees were heavily mulched and watered and seasoled well. The winter…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Rain vs irrigation

great reading... thanks Fu
I know it's a bit crude, but what about some cheap buckets with some small holes drilled in the bottom? This is more for specific trees/shrubs I'm…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Help saving fruit trees from the chipper (new pics 11/2010)

With a wet 21 degree ay forcast for Friday, I bit the bullet and took the day off work to move the two trees. With no car access, just hand…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Green Mulch

I was told by a landscaper recently to be weary of green mulch as the sap has something in it that won't allow your plants to grow. This sounded a…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Help saving fruit trees from the chipper (new pics 11/2010)

I'm in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne, the trees are in the outer SE suburbss of Melb.

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Help saving fruit trees from the chipper (new pics 11/2010)

Thanks for the replys. I've joined the forum and asked the question. I'll see if I get a response in time. In the mean time, If anyone else is following…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Help saving fruit trees from the chipper (new pics 11/2010)

I have a friend who bought a new place and has a beautiful apple tree and another lemon tree. But they're about to just cut them down and mulch them…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Plants for pots in shaded area

I've got a standard fuschia next to my front door in a pot. gets no direct sunlight and does very well. They need plany of water and you need to…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Cottage garden design advice

Thanks for the suggestions kek. Not a massive fan of bulbs, but I'll look into them.
The misses is a big fan of the daphne, but the front fence (behind the…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Cottage garden design advice

I guess that's the beauty of gardening. It can be what ever you want it to be. Call it "formal cottage" or formal garden with flowering plants, it doesn't really…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Cottage garden design advice

I'm in the process of designing my front yard and would love some opinions. Below is a small design which is easier to trying to describe it.
We're going for a…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
roof restoration

Had this done about 4 years ago. Single story brick veneer, concrete tile roof ~160sq/m, melb eastern burbs. Had quotes ranging from $1300-$7000.
Ended up paying $1750. Bloke was there for…

15 years15 yearszaffzaff posted:
Timber recycling

Anyone know of a house demolition/recycle center? I'm after some old hardwood bearers and joists. Preferably east of Melbourne, but anywhere in Melb would be great.

16 years16 yearszaffzaff posted:
Device to stop water flowing into downpipes ??

Grab a downpipe outlet and trim it down to about 25mm high. Then silicone it in upside down over the existing outet. You will need to enure your gutters remain…

16 years16 yearszaffzaff posted:
Outdoor tiles over concrete slab

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I would have though most tiles would hold up to car traffic, so long and the adhesive and slab were suitably rigid. I guess I've…

16 years16 yearszaffzaff posted:
Outdoor tiles over concrete slab

I wanted to do a bit of outdoor tiling over a concrete slab. The concrete slab is in sound condition, but some of the area gets driven over quite regularly.…

16 years16 yearszaffzaff posted:
No fly screen...Paarhammer the solution?

I've heard about an alternative being an air curtain installed above the opening. This is a jet of air that streams down from above. Origionally only used in commercial apps.

16 years16 yearszaffzaff posted:
Paving over concrete

Thanks mate...

16 years16 yearszaffzaff posted:
Is this a bad tile job?

All of the waterproofing in the niche, shower and bath should be done before the tiling is done. As said, all edges should silicone to allow for movement.
Grout stains can…

16 years16 yearszaffzaff posted:
Paving over concrete

Sorry to hijack this thread... but what do you mean by "if the pavers are calibrated"
Also what sort of gap would be recommended for paving over concrete? Would you still…

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Where to buy fruit trees?
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