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Joined 27 July 2014
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6 years6 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Wow your garden is looking amazing!!! I'm still struggling to get the back to grow and I had a lot die off in the summer heat. I've replaced them, but…

  ⋅  1
6 years6 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Oh she is a gorgeous fluffy girl!! :DD She sounds like she's in heaven. My parents have her sister Bella, and she's quite a small…

6 years6 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

That looks amazing Bank!!! What a great job you guys have done.
Mali looks so cute <3
My house looks terrible right now, the yard especially needs some loving, but my dear…

6 years6 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

So havent heard from DBA or builder...Im thinking this is going to bea very long process.

6 years6 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Thought Id share an update. Finally heard back from the DBA about my issues with the builder not coming back to fix defects. They now sent my list of items…

  ⋅  2
6 years6 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
Show us your facade...


6 years6 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
Show us your facade...

Pillars rendered were 3,500 and retaining sections including full drainage was another 3,900 through my builder. The infill panels were 350 for material and installed by a friend.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
Show us your facade...

Mine is nothing like what your looking for, but I'll share for others :)

  ⋅  4
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

So after putting in my complaint against the builder, he finally called me!! Though I haven't actually heard from the building commission or whoever they are. I missed his call…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Loki has settled well. Thought Id show my cats using the skywalks in the cat run too :)
Getting new fosters tomorrow ☺

  ⋅  2
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Its been nearly 11 months since handover and I still have a long list of non compliant defects to be rectified.
Lodged a submission with the building commission, let's see what…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Probably because you know me so well :P but he's definitely the last for a while!!
He's just stunning and so smoooochy. He's 2 years old. Just…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Introducing my new baby Loki ;) he's a stunning silver tabby, very fluffy and sweet. My 3rd and final kitty.

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
JG King modified Heywood - Landscaping

Wow 6 months went fast!!!
That's great that they are getting on things fast. I've just sent my builder notice that if I don't get some progress from them in…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

You should definitely post your updates :D So many people drop off once the build is finished, but its the after build stuff I always…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
Cascade Q1 - Henley Homes with Mods

Love love love those curtains. I wanted to do that in my master bedroom...but cats ;)

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Oh, she's just gorgeous!!! What a sweetheart. And omg, that last photo had me in stitches. Cats are the best.
Backyards are hard, I sort of always wanted this layout, but…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Finally finished all the projects around the house!!!

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Bedroom :DD Canvas print is new (also from markets XD)
My gorgeous girls Cassidy and Pandora. Can't believe how big they've gotten!! In the background is…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Been doing a few projects around the house and some spring cleaning, so I thought I'd share some pictures :DD
Can't believe its been nearly 12…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
My build in Bloomdale- Handover not accepted ☹️

Just call the SRO yourself, they will usually tell you you can still apply. My broker took care of it all for me, even the providing evidence part. She was…

  ⋅  1
7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
My build in Bloomdale- Handover not accepted ☹️

Don't stress about the stamp duty refund, even if it goes over you can still claim it (I did), just have to provide evidence showing the builder is the reason…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Forst new furniture purchase in a while. Got this chair fpr $199 down from $1235. Cpuldnt say no. Also bought my first painting. Will share a picture once I hang…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
My build in Bloomdale- Handover not accepted ☹️

I feel for you. That's exactly what happened to me. :(
Hope it gets resolved soon for you.

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

You should build a one way fence, so once the bunnies come into your yard you can keep them XDD
I've never heard of someone having wild bunnies eating their…

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

These are the natives.
This is a mini cog tree. Luv it but $110 each.

7 years7 yearsaloenyxaloenyx posted:
{Dawn} SE Melb Build - Done and dusted!

Good ppint. Im thinkong with any sort of tree with a central trunk I can put a guard arpund it to stop.them from ringibg it. Bunnies are so much trpuble…

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