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18 Posts
Junior Member

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Joined 10 September 2021
Junior Member
1 year1 yearAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Feature brick discoloured

Just random bricks - house is still under construction.

1 year1 yearAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Feature brick discoloured

We have used Contempo Madrid Blanco (Midland Brick) in our gas fireplace and other areas in the house. Some of the bricks have a yellow discolouration which is very…

2 years2 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Aggregate vs Pavers around a new build

Thanks chippy, Budapest for your responses. We've gone with aggregate :)

2 years2 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Aggregate vs Pavers around a new build

Hi Everyone,
I’m wondering about aggregate vs pavers around a new build in Perth, WA. What’s the likelihood that we would need to access pipes etc around the house, repairs etc?…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Web & Brown-Neaves contract

I’m building with Riverstone (2 storey, ~1M) and have had a great experience so far. No price rise with the contract I signed last November. Slab was poured in April…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Laminated tinted windows vs 3M film

No, not double glazed, just plain glass.

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Laminated tinted windows vs 3M film

We are tossing up whether to install Laminated tinted windows (Low E glass) vs added 3M film after handover.
We like the safety aspect (the laminate is baked into the product…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Landscape design in Perth

Thanks Doozer. Her work looks great! Will definitely contact her.

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Landscape design in Perth

Hi All,
Looking for a landscape designer recommendation in Perth. I checked out a few on Instagram but they are overwhelming! Looking for someone to design a concrete pool,…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

Hi Kippers01,
Yes, have talked with Anna, paid my 2% deposit and signed the PPA. Next stage is detailed design which I guess…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Estimating costs

I'm doing a custom build in Perth - 539sqm - approx $2300 per sqm.

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

I am not a scamster. Our design consultant is Anna. We do have concept plans which don't have detail - that only comes at the next stage after…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

Here is there process: https://riverstone.com.au/our-process/#design-process
See the "Concept Design" section:
Concept design
This is one of the steps clients find the most exciting because they can really…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

Apologies, I was not sure how you were aware of the cost breakdown since Riverstone have not mentioned that I would get a cost breakdown at the detailed design stage,…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

Ah yes, you did mention that previously. BTW, how do you know the allocated amounts for each item? At the quote stage, they just have listed ‘included’ for everything…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

Thanks so much for your detailed response Shai. I will ask them to put ‘no increase to quoted price’ in the contract. I do have that in an email…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

Hi Shaidas,
So is the 60k increase because of the cost of materials or did you make changes? I did ask if we could be subject to a price increase…

3 years3 yearsAsxTradingGirlAsxTradingGirl posted:
Million dollar home in Perth

Hi Shaidas,
We are currently at quotation stage with Riverstone. How is it all going with them? Has your build completed? What has the experience been like? Are you happy with…

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