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Joined 18 November 2020
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1 year1 yearBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
decoration and colour questions

Thanks for that! Yeah, I was thinking timber front door.

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
decoration and colour questions

Any suggestions for our exterior? This is a 3D render. It’s a battle axe block so not visible from the street. The driveway enters from the street on left of…

decoration and colour questions
  ⋅  1
2 years2 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Deck Roof - help!

Some items to note: build is in outer east Melbourne, North is to bottom left of attached floorplan. Main house is a gable roof design (gable ends on the short…

Deck Roof - help!
2 years2 yearsoklouiseoklouise posted:
Floor plan feedback please

i use a vintage CAD program that is no longer available but as you already know the basic programs don't create the plans as you need to start with the…

Floor plan feedback please
2 years2 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Minimum energy standards rise from 5.5 to 7

Search for Hero software. There is a free version (or at least there used to be) that you can use for your own project. You draw your plan, configure it…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Water tank requirement in Victoria

Thanks. Yeah, they’re not being very clear on when the changes apply which is frustrating. But we’re going heat pump HWS so I might see if we can do that.

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Water tank requirement in Victoria

Does anyone know if the stupid rule around needing a water tank if not using gas has been rescinded in Victoria yet?
Need to cut the fat on my design and…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Waffle Pod Slab over retaining walls

Builder owns the design and we are well and truly at the above point. Had I known what I know now I would have done things differently. But, we can't…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Waffle Pod Slab over retaining walls

Do you mean engineering for the landscaping or just overall?

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Waffle Pod Slab over retaining walls

Here's hoping!

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Waffle Pod Slab over retaining walls

Thanks for that. Much appreciated.

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Waffle Pod Slab over retaining walls

Yeah, been there done that. We first submitted DA in March 2020. Earlier this year builder canned the contract due to costs so this is round 2 with some design…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Waffle Pod Slab over retaining walls

Hi all,
Finally getting our new design locked down. Need to do a landscape plan (council requirement for DA). I've read on here a number of times that if you have…

Waffle Pod Slab over retaining walls
3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
DA refused -Masterton homes

Sadly, I know the feeling. It's been almost two years since we settled on our land. DA took almost 18mths of back and forth between Council and the builder (via…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Build cost predications post 2022

I'm back at the specification stage again. I'm wondering if it's worth considering alternative materials to try and reduce the impact of cost rises and delays (e.g. cladding instead of…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Post handover

I have to agree with this. For me, if I do this with anything it will not be about saving money, it will be because I want a particular product…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Actual Landscape differs from council Landscape plan

Tell me about it! They're even trying to tell us what our neighbours have to have in their yards...

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Build cost predications post 2022

no intel but in a similar position (in fact our builder cancelled our contract because it was no longer profitable and we have to resign). My guess is it will…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Actual Landscape differs from council Landscape plan

Will entirely depend on the Council. We'd probably be in deep doodoo with our Council but others may be OK.
With the fence, check the regs with your Council as there…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Floor plan feedback please

Thanks again for everything. I appreciate it immensely!

  ⋅  1
3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Floor plan feedback please

Yeah, I started with the block and knowing that I wanted the car accommodation in the top "right" corner and just started building from there. What should wall widths be…

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3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Floor plan feedback please

Oh my god - that's amazing! I love it!! I can't believe you put this together. What did you do that in? And would you be prepared to share it…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Floor plan feedback please

Excellent questions oklouise!
Yes, the dimensions are pretty hard to read. The downside of using a free tool to create it (I don't have the energy to reproduce it right now…

Floor plan feedback please
3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Floor plan feedback please

Lol - Keep It Simple Stupid
Council conditions are things like windows that needed to be obscured, etc, use these plants, basic stuff that most councils want yet somehow the builder…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Floor plan feedback please

Hi all,
I've attached a floor plan that I've done up that I'm hoping to build on my block (sorry for the really poor quality - couldn't download a decent quality…

Floor plan feedback please
3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
21 Mths so far for council approval

Wow that sucks! We’re pretty well stuck with our builder but I think we’re nearly there. Luckily so far our builder hasn’t tried to hit us with price increases but…

3 years3 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
21 Mths so far for council approval

Any ideas how I can put a rocket up Council and our builders?
March 2020 we first put our application into Council. Still waiting on final approval!! At this point it’s…

4 years4 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Benchtop Colour help needed

Thanks. Yes, lighting will be a big deal. Our current kitchen is awful so well aware! I’ll be looking at under cupboard lighting and will have pendants over the island.…

  ⋅  1
4 years4 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Benchtop Colour help needed

We ended up going with the Mocha Febrini but changed the upper cabinets to Taupe. They seem like they will work quite well together. I'm not too concerned about a…

Benchtop Colour help needed
4 years4 yearsBanjoDanBanjoDan posted:
Grey, grey or grey

Quite traditional really. Unfortunately we are still a long way off. Our Council are painful and it’s taken over 12 mths so far for Council Approval. Looks like at least…

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