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645 Posts
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Joined 4 February 2015
Gold Member
8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

Thanks Petad, yeah we are also glad its finished, the style of our block means that we sort of have 3 yards lol. The "backyard" we…

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Switch Homes. WE'RE IN PICS


8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

Thanks spuddles :). It's been a while since I've been on here but hopefully will catch up on peoples builds soon.

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

Finally had the lawn out front completed and the back. It was a long wait as we were waiting for the turf to be okay for ages during winter.
I'll post…

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

Hi Starky, sorry for the late reply. The tiler for the flooring was Dave at MTC, Mandurah Tiling Company.

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Smart Homes - The Mentor (PCI done / Keys Friday)

Maybe just because its relatively fresh paint I'd probably give painters tape a go instead of masking tape?

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Smart Homes - The Mentor (PCI done / Keys Friday)

Congratulations on your keys!

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Smart Homes - The Mentor (PCI done / Keys Friday)

Your house is looking great MattandErin, so exciting!

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Custom Dale Alcock in Wellard Village - we have the keys!

I used "the moving man" and can honestly say the two guys were the best movers we have ever had and we have moved quite a few times. Nothing…

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:

Well done Spuddles on a PCI date! Hooe it all goes well.

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
K & L's HGWA Build Baldivis

Looks fantastic MrsMaccaPacca! The floor looks awesome!

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
FHBD - Vista estate, Singleton (All moved in!)

Looks really good Daz, looks like you've been in for ages.

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

Thanks ms_prez, sorry for the late reply, time gets away from you when you have what seems and endless job list. If you have any questions don't…

  ⋅  1
8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Custom Dale Alcock in Wellard Village - we have the keys!

Things are looking good W2T! I was so glad to hand the keys back to the rental, the closer you come to moving out the more impatient you…

8 years8 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
our first home group wa home

Congratulations, glad PCI went well :)

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
K & L's HGWA Build Baldivis

I think there is a sum in your contract that is given to the Shire for this type of stuff, but before it's too late I'd be hitting up…

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Home Group WA - WE ARE IN!

Yeah there aren't many options out there for this sort of stuff. For the gap under the fencing I ended up installing plinths from Gramline in rockingham, you…

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Home Group WA - WE ARE IN!

I bought that aluminum edging from bunnings, I think there are different heights and you will be able to whipper snipper up to it. I didn't want anything like…

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
K & L's HGWA Build Baldivis

We are a strange lot lol

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
K & L's HGWA Build Baldivis

That's a shame, I'm just starting the painting process, I really don't mind it as I know the job will get done properly and I know what product…

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
K & L's HGWA Build Baldivis


9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
K & L's HGWA Build Baldivis

Things are moving along really MrsMaccaPacca, gates look excellent. Great deal on the landscaping, lock that in!

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Custom Dale Alcock in Wellard Village - we have the keys!

Looking really good W2T, soon the work begins! Lol

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

I know! Very disappointing.

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Kellie's HGWA Build

Wow, your house looks so nice Kellie, congratulations!

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Highbury Homes, Perth SoR build, Tiling Complete

Yeah I was looking at doing that as a fix. Didn't come up in yje build as its a flat driveway, guess their leveling wasn't that great over 19mtrs…

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Switch Homes. WE'RE IN PICS

Looks great Petad, this is the first time we have had reverse cycle a/c and we reckon its the best thing since sliced bread lol. Our last house…

9 years9 yearsDeckaDecka posted:
Custom Dale Alcock in Wellard Village - we have the keys!

Looking great W2T! My understanding is that they are air vents so your drains will drain, so you have air behind your water. Like if you…

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4 February 2015

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