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Keilor Park NSW
Joined 9 March 2015
Senior Member
6 years6 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Hermitage Grande - MDJ

Hi there
We are also interested in the Hermitage Grande. We gave the Bronte some serious consideration but there was a lot more that needed to be changed in the Bronte…

7 years7 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Pyrolytic Oven

We have a Siemens pyro oven and it has worked great. I have used it twice since the oven was installed and it has cleaned out the oven completely. All…

7 years7 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Double oven or two ovens

We have had both. I changed a single oven that was about to burn the house down to a full double oven which was equal size top and bottom. Only…

7 years7 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
No of rooms affecting house value ?

That is a great idea i will give it some consideration

7 years7 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
No of rooms affecting house value ?

Hello All
Instead of starting a new thread I thought I might jump on the back of this thread, as my question is very similar.
We have a 4 bedroom 2…

7 years7 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Kery
I believe that if you elect to do flooring post handover then the skirting boards are not applied and are left in the garage for you to sort out…

7 years7 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Samantha
I would just go through and work out what you really want, and break it down into what really needs to be done up front to work vs what…

8 years8 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

I would handle the cabinet build separately. It should be possible to pick up the studs with a French cleat system and use that to hang your wall cabinets. Just…

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Thats great news. Hope everything is sorted for the PCI and you can do handover. Fingers crossed for you.

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Just to help out from SaveH2O's post the IFD for that area is 3.4 litres/min in a 1:20IFD. Roughly that would be 3.4 litres per sq meter of roof area…

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Hello again,
Not good that the builders appear to be running over time. I agree the timeframe is tight for them to complete all the necessary work for PCI. Fingers crossed…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

You must be counting down the days now, your house is looking great. Hopefully it all finishes strong and you are moved in on time.

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Hello neighboreenos,
I was just reading where you said the ground report came back as a P classification because of rock. Normally rock comes in at an M class at worst.…

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Hi there,
We were up there late afternoon, house is looking good. Saw the downpipes, wondering how they are going to connect to your wet riser. At least once your downpipes…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Looking good. Glad to see the tiler is powering on for you. Fingers crossed for August 10th.

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

That's a shame you guys were flying along. They only have 5 weeks left so they will need to get on with it for you.
Looking forward to more photos soon.…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Thanks for the feedback. The Hermitage kitchen is also a bit bigger than the Bronte kitchen, the walk in pantry has shelves on both sides as opposed to the Bronte…

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Looks like they have slowed down a bit. Hopefully they get moving after the long weekend.

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Glad to see they are moving again. They should not be claiming any rain days from you now that the roof is on. There may have been a delay to…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Hope you have had great progress this week. You must almost be at lock up stage now.

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

The Hermitage shower is huge, should be possible to have two shower heads if you so choose.

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Great news about the slab, that would save you some money. When we start I will get the quotation done as an H1 slab, that way it will be money…

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Hi there
Yes we were up there late, just on sunset. You must have done a good job because we both commented about the cleanliness of the site. No wonder since…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Hi there
We were at our block yesterday afternoon. Your house has really taken shape since it was bricked up. We also noticed the builders are keeping the site clean, there…

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
Coral Homes - Longreach 33 - Clarence Town

Hello neighbour.
Glad to see your build is progressing very nicely. We will be following this thread with interest. I only just found it just now while wondering how your build…

  ⋅  1
9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Seems strange.
If it's a construction loan then it's designed to be drawn down in multiple stages. Keep battling and escalating within CBA. Sometimes the minions can't figure it out, you'll…

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

Hi Sunshine,
Sounds like a good idea, I will ask then when I am next up there.
How did you get on with your kitchen request. Hope it has worked out.

9 years9 yearsGrakatGrakat posted:
McDonald Jones Homes - The new thread

I think you will be happy with the verandas. I will be interested to see what MJH come back to you with in regards to the kitchen. Since the Hermitage…

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Hermitage Grande - MDJ
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