Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Going very well.
Slab was poured: 16/10
Frame completed: 6/11
Windows are on site, 1st stage plumbing is completed. Roof is on the upstairs, but not yet the garage or rear of the…

Building our dream home- Fairhaven Queenscliff in Riverwalk
We are in stage 14, down on Gellibrand so we drove past yours on the way there

Building our dream home- Fairhaven Queenscliff in Riverwalk
I have seen yours progressing as we drive past, its good to see they are getting a move one now!

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Our land settled on the 28th as planned , and because we did settlement on the first day they even gave us a $1,000 discount

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Thank you!
Is the issue with your building or in the estate? I have noticed in stage 13 nothing has begun yet.

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Thank you very much spice girl. It wasn't so bad for us, we knew we had a long wait when we signed up. I hope your developer can get into…

Building our dream home- Fairhaven Queenscliff in Riverwalk
Any further developments? Our land is due to title next week in Stage 14 and we are dreading the approval process through PV.

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
After more than 18 months we finally have a settlement date for our land on the 28th June! We have our finance sorted and soil tests are due to be…

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
I don't believe there would be any structural issues, they allowed us to put the door wherever we liked. We chose the opening size as we hope to use it…

Building our dream home- Fairhaven Queenscliff in Riverwalk
I started planning for our landscaping a few months back. As plants are expensive to buy at a decent size I bought 150 8" pots on ebay for $150 and…

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Hey no worries
The garage extension was the most expensive part, $7849 including a roller door to the rear of the garage
Add plaster wall with opening to front hall etc: $1324

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
I saw titles were about to be settled for your release. Congratulations. I cant wait to see your house going up, I loved the Queenscliff design.

Fairhaven Homes Newport 361 in Sth East Melbourne
Looking good! So close now. I love that tile in black, did you consider using it instead?

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Here is our nearly final drawings, the only changes are the fridge tap is in the butlers pantry and the entry into the "store" is centred in the room rather…

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
I just had a look at your structural plans etc and your design looks amazing. We always say the facade is for your neighbors and the inside is for you,…

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
We signed our contract last week. But we are still awaiting land title. We have been told it will be in May but I suspect it will be delayed, it…

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Hey @spice girl, we have been through so many changes since I initially created this thread. Including changing from the Broadway to the Kingston facade, we are also still awaiting…

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
Hey Bergman58 yep we are in stage 14 (I think I know you from the Riverwalk Facebook page). I actually checked out your…

Henley upgrades and options
I have found Henleys detailed information in this regard second to none. Just ask a salesperson at your local display house and they will give you a detailed one for…

Sahara Q2 - Riverwalk Werribee
After a long period considering houses we have decided on the Henley Sahara Q2. We put a deposit on a block in the Riverwalk Estate in Werribee back in December…

Who's building with Fairhaven Homes in Melbourne?
I like your choices there. I was going to ask about having the entrance to the under stairs in the garage and I am very happy to hear you can.

Who's building with Fairhaven Homes in Melbourne?
We have yet to receive final pricing but it is about $8,500. I am still yet to hear back about getting a roller door at the back as well.

Who's building with Fairhaven Homes in Melbourne?
Thats pretty close to getting underway. Very exciting, I am very interested to hear how you get along.
I like your options choices. Are you making any non standard changes, we…

Who's building with Fairhaven Homes in Melbourne?
We have done the same. We put a deposit down on the Newport 361.
Where abouts are you building?
Did you grab one of the options booklets with standard floor plan changes?

Riverwalk @Werribee
Hey all,
I know this is an old thread but I have just put a deposit on a block in stage 14. I have heard (after the deposit) that there have…

Who's building with Fairhaven Homes in Melbourne?
Was just wondering if you had any more updates on Farihaven as a builder.
We are about to put a deposit down on the Newport 361 and are keen to hear…