Slab heave vcat expert report needed
Do you have an engineer on your case already? Do you have a solicitor on board? I know of a few structural engineers with extensive experience in this space but…

Wet/Moisture issue around foundation stumps.
It's in the Slab Heave monitoring space but not geotechnical. There's a sneak peek on the website under the Forensic Structural Engineers page if you're interested.

Wet/Moisture issue around foundation stumps.
Yes I've looked into sponsorship and it's 100% on my road map. I'm focusing on development of our second product atm and then some proper marketing and launch activities will…

Wet/Moisture issue around foundation stumps.
Hi Twon069
Yes get your pipes checked for leaks. Also check for water ingress during heavy rains.
If you're house is on any level of reactive clay then yes your re-stumping…

Soil surface movement Ys value - 60. H1 or H2 slab as per A
I can't help you with the slab engineering but I suggest you have a look at 'a monitoring solution' if you're concerned (I don't think I'm allowed to self-promote in…

How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?
Oh - and I hope that photo of the stump in a puddle isn't your home!

How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?
Yup you're spot on - we pair the sensors up as a minimum to give a 'control' and reference point away from the problem area and rather than saying X%…

How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?
Hi - Happy to chat anytime on mobile or messenger etc but I'll briefly answer your questions here. Sorry for the delay too, for some reason I wasn't notified of…

La niña vs el niño - slabs on clay
Sounds like you've taken all the right steps to manage/minimise the risk of issues and you're well informed Follow the build up with landscaping that…

How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?
I shot you a PM with my mobile number. Happy to chat and run through our approach in some more detail - we're adapting, evolving and improving all the time…

How to monitor soil moisture to prevent slab heave?
Hi All. Thanks for the shout out and heads up about this post Matt!
Yup, as Matt has mentioned, my new business SLABsense (SLABsense.com.au & ) is doing just what…