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Joined 31 October 2011
Gold Member
3 months3 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Time for net curtains. NOT, I might add, for privacy!
But I've realised that at this time of year, when the sun is lower in the sky, and the days…

3 months3 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

I've slowed down a fair bit lately - even taken time off to read a book, look at the view, go for walks. But there are still some things to…

4 months4 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

A few more 'Then and Now' photos:

5 months5 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

I am still plodding along getting some of the little tasks done such as random gap filling, building the pull-out pantry and planning the main pantry and bathroom cupboard (so…

6 months6 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

My Arne Jacobsen Egg Chair has found its rightful place now the bedrooms have their carpet.
By no means an adventurous choice, the 'Peppered Borneo' (truly - that's its name!!) is…

6 months6 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Busy couple of weeks with lots of painting done. Once the hallway was painted I set about reinstalling the sliding container panel barn door.
The red colour of the door is…

7 months7 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Once the lounge cupboards were done, I was able to fill them with stuff that was cluttering up the lounge. (Most of my tools are now temporarily in one of…

7 months7 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
That SINKing feeling

Perhaps widen the hole a bit more and insert a nice piece of timber and make it an in counter knife block??
Nice sink BTW!

That SINKing feeling
7 months7 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Well a month has passed by quickly. I have been busy working every day but there is not a huge amount to show.
School thankfully finished for Summer 2 weeks ago…

8 months8 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

In the past 10 days since my last post I haven't managed to get a huge amount done. Four of those days were teaching (and a day at school is…

8 months8 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

As mentioned int the previous post, I had been sleeping in the guest room while I plastered, sanded and painted the main bedroom:

A strip of sand paper taped…

10 months10 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Three and a half weeks living here and I'm loving the quiet (except for the occasional distant cow conversations)
Solar is holding up exceptionally well. First time I used the oven…

10 months10 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

The electricians came on Monday and finished all of the electrical work. All of the lights, switches and power-points are operational and so too is the hot water tank. (Electric…

11 months11 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

The plumber returned today and installed all the kitchen, bathroom vanity, toilet, shower and laundry tub plumbing. It is all usable now (except the shower which needs the hot water…

11 months11 monthswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Bathroom is moving along.
Screed down:

Floor tiles:

Tile up close:
I grouted them Tuesday:
Today the wall tiles went up and I will grout them tomorrow:

Outside ceiling painted:
Kitchen wall sanded, and 2 undercoats…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Quick update - working away steadily as usual on lots of little things mainly taping/plastering, putting up some fibre cement panels on the ceilings outside, ceiling battens (yes my delivery…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

I'm still waiting for the order mentioned in the previous post - over 3 weeks now so I have no batten clips or insulation to finish the lounge room ceiling.…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Main bedroom ceiling now sheeted. I'm running low on insulation for the lounge/dining ceiling so have ordered more along with other odds and ends (doors for the hall cupboard, door…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Last 4 days at the house (2 were in the classroom!) since my last post and I managed to get the kitchen ceiling up. The battens certainly made it easier…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

With the long weekend over I realised that I have now been working 7 days a week for 2 years straight except for 3 days off for Christmas (the one…

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

So the gyprocking continues!!
Main bedroom walls are all up:

And this finally closed up the back of the two large loungeroom cupboards which used to allow me to walk through for…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

More gyprocking, faffing around trying to keep insulation in place while I add glue to studs and hold up the gyprock with one hand whilst applying screws with the other.…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

So just a bit more gyprocking in the bathroom:
Had to extend the window reveals, and cut the exhaust vent through the walls:
Didn't have a hole saw big enough! And simple…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Corner kitchen Cabinet gap - not flush - is this acceptable?

It may just look worse than it is because the gap is backlit. Once the countertop is on and it's in shadow it mightn't look bad at all.

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

I finally got around to covering the roof downpipe. It certainly neatens up the back of the house.
I also installed another gutter on the area between the shed and Bed1.…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:

Don't know if this has come up in this topic before - but if you want to get immense satisfaction watching scammers get scammed this YouTube guy is hysterical!! I've…

  ⋅  1
1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

A brief update - the weekend allowed me to put up some guttering.
The house has 2 small sheds (East and West) which have corrugated steel roofs and are the only…

1 year1 yearwaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

I've been a bit quiet on here as I've been working full time at school to help out all term.
Weekends leaves little time left to work on the house…

2 years2 yearswaxinggibbouswaxinggibbous posted:
Tondelver House - Shipping Container Build

Not much of an update I'm afraid. Xmas and New Year slowed things down a bit as I am waiting for quotes from electricians and waterproofer/tilers, and tradies all seem…





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